Chapter 284 Setting off! Destination Viennas City

A moment later, after all the powerhouses and commanders had gathered.

Leo Ray, sitting on the throne, looked over at his subordinates in front of him while assigning today's tasks.

"First, the two Heavy Shield Shooter Squads, two Shadow Squads, Heavy Armored Guards Squad, Half-elf Archer Squad, and Werewolf Warrior Squad, your main tasks are still to build the city gates and crenellations separately.

At the same time, a small number of soldiers should be assigned to work on the construction of the sewage treatment system and the finishing touches to the stairways leading to the city walls,"

Leo Ray then ordered while looking at the seven squad commanders standing neatly below him: "Of course, the daily defense work in the territory must not be neglected. Each squad must have a fully armed team guarding their respective positions at all times."

"Understood, Lord!"

On the other side, the commanders stepped forward and saluted in unison.