Chapter 351: Continuing to Explore the Ancient Ship_1

After leaving the magic shield cabin, Leo Ray's group of six, along with Quinn Serena's group of four, continued their search on the third Magic Cannon Deck's cabin area.

"I have to say, the space inside this giant ship is even more spacious than I imagined."

After stepping out of another sailor's dormitory, Leo Ray looked at the rustic yet sturdy corridor in front of him and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, marveling in his heart, "Speaking of which,

this so-called magic oak wood, which is said to require magic irrigation, is truly amazing. The ship's hull, wooden beds, and barrels made from it,

After all these long years, apart from a slight mold, they can still be so durable."

Just as Leo Ray thought about this,

Scarlett called out from ahead, "My Lord, come and take a look!"

When Leo Ray arrived at Scarlett's location, he noticed,