Chapter 353: The Mysterious Disappearance_1

Upon hearing Orion Wolfe's cry for help, Leo Ray did not hesitate to ask for his exact location.

However, on the other end of the communication, only a series of sounds resembling interference could be heard.

Soon after that, everything stopped abruptly and the communication was automatically cut off.

"What on earth has happened?"

Surprised, Leo Ray immediately tried to reconnect but received a notification that the connection could not be established due to unknown reasons.

After several futile attempts, Leo Ray tried to connect to Amelia, who accompanied Orion Wolfe, but the result was still the same—unable to contact either of them.

Next, to verify whether it was due to his own issue, Leo Ray connected to Belinda Wright who is situated far in his territory, and immediately heard the respectful response from the Half-Elf Girl.

"It seems like things are getting a bit tricky."

After confirming that Orion Wolfe and Amelia had indeed encountered some sudden crisis,