Chapter 374: A Whole New Attempt_1

"Your Excellency, please wait a moment!"

Just as Leo Ray and his subordinates were about to step into Redarrow City's gate-

Donna's anxious voice rang out from behind the group.

"What's the matter?"

Upon hearing this, Leo Ray didn't stop, but continued walking while turning his head slightly to reply.

"Your Excellency, what exactly brings you to Redarrow City?" Donna sped up her pace and quickly caught up.

"Naturally, it's to completely eliminate Rocky's forces that are entrenched here." Leo Ray said nonchalantly with a faint smile.

This time, although their group had only seven people, including Leo Ray.

However, with one Tier 5 Powerhouse, two Tier 4 Powerhouses, and four Tier 3 Powerhouses, their lineup was already quite luxurious.

Furthermore, according to custom, when Leo Ray left his territory-

He carried twenty-four Tier 3 three-star Earth Guardians and two Sky Guardians of the same rank on his person.