Chapter 377: Sir, Times Have Changed_1

Pinehaven City Lord Mansion, City Lord's office.

Within this spacious room with extremely luxurious decorations.

The crystal tassel chandelier inlaid with Light Crystal Stones and top-grade gems illuminated the splendid golden space, making it dazzling

Everywhere one looked, be it the masterfully crafted Advanced Magic Redwood Desk, the Magic Beast Fur Soft Carpet, or the golden fireplace with exquisitely carved patterns.

Everything exuded magnificent opulence, causing one to feel dizzy.

The dazzling exquisite murals on the walls and the display of numerous precious artifacts.

This luxurious room also gave off the impression of a museum exhibition hall.

In short, everything was suffused with a thick aroma of wealth.

Needless to say, within this room.

Even the cheapest item was something ordinary civilians could never hope to possess in their lifetime of hard work.

It also demonstrated the owner's immense wealth.