Chapter 416: The Disappearing Ice Gate and the Ice Knight on the Ice Surface_2

His group had already arrived at a vast space completely covered by thick layers of ice.

For a moment, Leo Ray felt a burst of brightness in front of his eyes. Inside the crystal-clear ice cave, the dazzling light emitted by the Light Crystal Stone reflected everywhere, causing dizziness.

After adapting to the surrounding light, Leo Ray's black eyes narrowed, and he began to look around.

The ice cave in front of him was vast, at least three to four hundred square meters in size, with a smooth and transparent ground like a large indoor ice rink.

Of course, for Leo Ray and others who were covered with energy shields, there was naturally no hindrance.

"I must say, being able to transform this hidden cave to this extent, Joshua Bingaman's ancestor was truly extraordinary."

Just as Leo Ray thought about it, an abrupt change occurred.

Wave after wave of energy fluctuations rippled continuously from the ice surface.