Chapter 485: The Imminent Battle_3

Next, through Lord White's description of the strengths of both the enemy and the ally, Leo Ray learned the following:

As the information Linda obtained earlier indicated, currently, inside this Mountain Fortress, the stationed troops were under Lord White's command, one of the strongest Royal Army Corps of Coldflame Kingdom.

Excluding the remnants of August Montgomery's faction that had been wiped out, there were still ten thousand troops, including a Tier 2 middle team consisting of a thousand elites.

There was only one Tier 4 Powerhouse at the moment, Lord White, and ten Tier 3 commanders.

In the other two smaller fortresses, both had nearly ten thousand troops with strength mainly at Tier 1 and no Tier 4 Powerhouses. There were twelve Tier 3 commanders each.

"As for Saint Night's side, their strength is definitely far greater than ours."