Chapter 530: Nine Dragon-slaying Heroes

Gently shaking the three Tier 4 Absolute Elemental Defense Barrier Scrolls in his hand, Leo Ray's smile remained calm and tranquil.

The reason he brought out these three precious items was, of course, to further motivate the three old magicians.

It should be known that according to Ariel Watson, even at her coming-of-age ceremony, the precious royal treasures bestowed by the old king were only five in number. The value of these scrolls could be seen from this.

At the moment, in addition to the magical scrolls previously given to the powerful fighters, Leo Ray still had a hundred Tier 4 Absolute Elemental Defense Barrier Scrolls. Taking three of them out was naturally not a problem.

"Three masters, since you have already recognized the value, there is no need for me to say more about the preciousness of these three magical scrolls, right?"