Chapter 540: The New Powerful Combination_2

Upon seeing Leo Ray, the middle-aged werewolf immediately bowed his head and placed his hand on his chest, while his big fluffy white tail unconsciously wagged frantically back and forth.

"You may dispense with the formalities."

After taking a sip of the freshly brewed hot tea, Leo Ray nodded slightly, and then told Owen about his idea of ​​forming a half-elf wolf rider team.

Even though this idea was just a passing thought Leo Ray had before he went to sleep the night before.

However, after careful consideration this morning, Leo Ray felt it to be quite feasible.

After all, the Snow Wolf Clan, which transformed into huge white wolves, was a special type of demon beast and completely different from ordinary wolf races.

Their enormous size was almost indistinguishable from ordinary horses. With the addition of appropriate riding equipment, they could fully meet the conditions for riding.

Leo Ray had already tried this out by himself.