Chapter 570: One City, One Person_1

"There's no need for surprise. As a Divine Servant, naturally, I possess some unique characteristics,"

Having noticed the astonishment on Leo Ray and Red Night's faces, the combat puppet named Leah smiled and said, "However, please rest assured, I swear by the name of the gods that I will not reveal anything."

As she said this, a blank look appeared on Leah's fair face.

Suddenly, her eyes widened as she subconsciously clutched her head and murmured, "Swear by the name of the gods? Which divine deity do I serve? How can I swear without knowing the name of the deity?"

On the other side, observing Leah suddenly becoming somewhat frantic, Leo Ray first exchanged glances with the subordinates.

Then he asked the female combat puppet in front of him, "So, you're saying your memory isn't complete?"