Chapter 595: Mobius Pathway_1

Nodding at his subordinates, Leo Ray immediately took off the soft cloak he had on. The others also followed suit, doing the same.

For a moment, under the dark green surroundings, the figures of their party were revealed one by one.

Of course, Leo Ray had kept a trump card for himself.

Taylor and the silent Red Night, still wearing their cloaks, remained invisible.

"Alright, let's keep moving."

As Leo Ray took Rolanddel out of his storage bracelet, he nodded to his subordinates.

In this humid, spacious, dark green tunnel, the party resumed their journey.

It wasn't long before familiar footsteps were heard again in front of Leo Ray and his group.

Upon hearing this, under Leo Ray's signal, the main subordinates halted and placed their weapons horizontally across their chests.

Before the Lord's conjecture turned out to be true, none of the subordinates would dare to relax a bit.

*Click clack, click clack, click clack…*