Chapter 620: The Shock of Old Casley and the Alchemists_1

"The Roland Crystal Source, discovered by the legendary hero Roland, can only be found in a Tier-3 Ice Slime King when its strength reaches the star level. The production of this material is extremely limited. It has a significant effect on promoting practice for Tier 3 and below ice-based mages and physical powerhouses with ice attribute internal energy."

Old Casley's wrinkled face was even more smug as he continued, "The nest where the King of Slime lives is home to thousands of ordinary slimes. Even Tier 4 powerhouses are reluctant to venture inside without considerable infiltration skills."

"In history, it's not uncommon for careless powerhouses to be corroded by a large amount of slime liquid, or even crushed directly."

Old Alchemist stroked his white beard and looked at Leo Ray with a meaningful warning glance, just like a professor giving a lecture.