Live Well And Die Well

Chapter 42: Live Well And Die Well

"Things have come to this point." The buzz-cut man also noticed the bikers chasing after them. He knew that he could not escape in time. His solemn face carried some regret as he looked at the girl and said, "Take care of yourself!"

After saying that, he grabbed his machete and charged at the motorbike that was approaching him. He struck a leather-clad man who did not have time to dodge.

Perhaps he truly wanted to take care of the girl behind him, but the buzz-cut man's movements were too open. He almost used up his life to stop most of the bikers.

Wang Wen saw it happen from the back. In the past 20 years, he had seen too many people scheming against each other.

Other than the team he led, the rest had even betrayed him at a critical moment.

Furthermore, that day's team was only temporary.

Wang Wen glanced at the anxious girl next to him and stood a little further away.