Shoot A Plane

Chapter 80: Shoot A Plane

"No." Wang Wen was taken aback by the three of them and asked, perplexed, "What are you guys doing?"

The three of them exchanged glances and said, "We want to climb the tower with you."

Wang Wen exhaled a huge sigh of relief and said, "If we're going to climb the tower together, then let's talk nicely. Why do you look like you wanted to marry me?"

Just as the three of them were still hesitating.

The drone passed overhead. It sent a team confirmation to the three of them after Wang Wen's request.

The three of them blew up.

They stood there staring at the drone, unsure what to do.

"Let us take a quick walk." Wang Wen straightened up and smiled at the three of them. "Didn't we promise to climb the tower together? Let's form a group."

The three cried as they lay on the ground, looking up at the calm and honest Wang Wen.

Happiness had appeared unexpectedly!