Everybody Guessed It

Chapter 84: Everybody Guessed It

Zhu Xingguo, who was strong, relied on his physical strength. Despite his fear, he attempted to decipher the room under Ren Ruoruo's instructions.

"Over there, the nine squares are in the following order—lower left, up, right, lower right, left, upper left, right, upper right, and lower." Ren Ruoruo rested her back against the wall. She gave Zhu Xingguo instructions piece by piece to carry out the operation. "At the end of the text message, the last one in the middle is replaced with the board."

Sweat dripped from Zhu Xingguo's eyelids and pricked his eyeballs. He adhered to Ren Ruoruo's instructions and inserted the final board into the nine squares.

The sound of heavy gears and chains gradually became audible.

Wang Wen, who was crouching on the ground and silently reading the text message like he was constipated, was startled by the sound.

The lovely sound of gears was the sound of an unlocked password.