Outsiders And Insiders

Chapter 100: Outsiders And Insiders

A farce-like competition had come to an end.

Newcomer Liu was also a talented man. He could do so many things, and he had no intention of leaving the tower. He even licked his face and accepted 10 million yuan. He even licked his face and joined Wang Wen's team.

Everyone knew his real name after the introduction.

Liu Bei.

He claimed to be at the back of the last battle.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruoruo thought he was a treacherous man.

Wang Wen did not care.

Who would want to care about Liu Bei? As long as he was obedient, he would be good cannon fodder.


A good Lackey.


A good teammate!

Even though it was similar, that word was much more pleasant.

Just like men's two major pursuits.

It was tacky to say beautiful women and money.

Was it not better to say love and career?

One had to know how to use rhetoric when dealing with people.