No One Is A Match

Chapter 108: No One Is A Match

In the dark underground, there was only a bonfire in a branched-out cave that shook.

A group of strange little creatures seemed to be having a meeting.

The little creatures squeaked and asked, "Is it okay to let them go just like that?"

The old creature with a toothpick said, "No matter what, we don't need to send any more sacrifices this year."

"What if we anger that guy?" The little creature was worried.

The old creature sneered, "It's better to anger him to let him know that we were not powerless! How can we live with less and less water?"

The little creatures thought it made sense.

They nodded.

Only one of them, the big head with a round forehead, disagreed. "What if they kill that guy?" he asked, reaching out to add some wood to the bonfire. "Is he going to teach us how to make poison?"