The Weight Of The Front Line

Chapter 124: The Weight Of The Front Line

Ma Changsi did not request compensation from Wang Wen for the loss of the training ground.

He did not even mention it.

Instead, he gave him a Grade C reward for helping to prepare the front lines.

Interestingly, other people did not object.

That included not paying for the loss and giving the reward in advance.

No one even pursued the whereabouts of the person who suddenly disappeared.

Someone carried away the top apprentice. He could not stop laughing due to the double blow to his body and spirit. He could not stop himself from playing with his urine.

Wang Wen saw how pitiful he was and purposefully left the Grade D reward for him.

In that case, Ma Changsi solemnly stated that the Grade D reward would be kept indefinitely until the top apprentice recovered and accepted it.

It was also a blessing from the association.