Unfathomable (Part 2)

Wang Wen provided no useful information to the bespectacled woman. She was in a trance when she left the academy.

Soon after the two of them had left, Wang Wen received a message from Cheng Qiaoyi. [Senior, did Yuanyuan offend you in any way? You don't seem to like her.]

Wang Wen sent a reply. [Are you still with your best friend?]

Cheng Qiaoyi replied to his message. [No, she seemed to have something urgent and left in a hurry.]

Wang Wen called her right away. "Xiao Yi?"

Cheng Qiaoyi said, "Yes? What is the matter, Senior? Why did you call so abruptly? Did you miss me?"

Wang Wen ignored her sarcasm and said solemnly, "Let me start by saying that I have no evidence to back up my claims. You should be careful around your best friend. When I returned to the academy from the Regional Security Department, I ran into her with a Tiansheng Group's Mirror member. I am not sure what they were talking about, but they split when they saw me."