Like A Virgin

Zhou Shengsheng's eardrums almost burst.

He suspected that he was hearing things.

He picked his ear with his pinky.

Then, he tilted and patted his head.

It was as if doing so would make him more clear-headed.

However, before the buzzing in his head disappeared...

Wang Wen spoke again.

He smiled and said to the drone, "Are you kidding me? Just because someone received an apple as a reward, you changed the apple to sh*t. When we raised our doubts, you said that the reward is two portions of sh*t. Do we care how many?"

Ren Ruoruo, a professional tower climber and a refined beauty, was a little lost for that topic and covered her forehead in embarrassment.

However, Zhu Xingguo was worthy of being Wang Wen's good disciple. He immediately nodded in agreement. "Right! It's not a matter of how many portions; it's a matter of sh*t!"

The drone fell silent.

It was as if the World Tower had begun to think.