How To Pretend To Be A Good Person

The iceberg accounted for 50 percent of their progress.

It was only 50 percent.

After everyone recovered from the shock, they looked at the remaining 50 percent with worry.

Wang Wen did not understand why they were so worried. He said, "This is half. Let's find another one and finish it."

Zhu Xingguo was puzzled. "Master, didn't you say that this move is very energy-consuming? Do we have to go through such a huge iceberg again?"

Wang Wen was puzzled. "I'm only using a lot of energy for myself; what does it have to do with the iceberg? The iceberg is essentially water, and water is not difficult to get."

Zhu Xingguo's eyes widened as he tried his best to improve his thinking level to catch up with his master's pace,

Ren Ruoruo, on the other hand, seemed to be deep in thought as she listened. Her eyes flickered as if she had understood something.