Beloved Consort

To all the enemies who surrendered...

In principle, Wang Wen wanted to nip everything in the bud.

He did not believe that the enemy would surrender so easily.

However, he did not make a move at that time.

He adjusted his mental energy and transformed his fist into a claw to pull the white-robed woman closer.

He asked her as courteously as he could, "Do you have any more of those Immortal Stones at home? Can you show me?"

The white-robed woman's eyes lit up when she heard that. She quickly said, "Yes, not only the Immortal Stone, but I also have a lot of treasures! I'll have to trouble you to come with me to the Imperial City!"

As she spoke...

She waved her hand gently.

Rain began to fall from the sky.

It did not freeze that time but gently washed away the blood on her body.

The densely packed wounds slowly healed.

She also tied a thin chiffon to cover her graceful body.