Cheng Qiaoyi, Manager Liu, And The Security Department

Ren Ruoruo eventually found a drone and deposited the Battle Angel with the help of Wang Wen.

At the same time, the effect on her body vanished.

It was as if the link between her and the item had been severed.

That could be considered Wang Wen's trick.

It was first used in his previous life to deal with certain items that had long-term effects.

He cleverly used the deposit to sever the effect of the relic.

He did not expect that the first time he used that technique in his new life was to cut off a positive effect.

The reason was that the user of the item felt that the effect was too flamboyant.

Wang Wen's emotions were also mixed.

Under Ren Ruoruo's urging, the three quickly left that place.

He had yet to walk out of the crowd.

A pretty figure flew in front of Wang Wen like a swallow.

Cheng Qiaoyi smiled and shouted, "Senior! Senior!"