The Braggart

The head secretary, who was still wearing cotton pajamas, was just an ordinary person who had yet to reach the tower's 20th floor. Usually, climbing the tower was just a hobby, similar to skydiving, rock climbing, and bungee jumping. He wanted some excitement. He could earn tens or hundreds of extra points if he were lucky.

Therefore, he did not resist when the Tiansheng Group people found him and kidnapped him.

His injuries were the lightest.

After being rescued, he checked on the injuries of his other colleagues and roughly calculated the damage to the group with the help of some staff.

He quietly went to Chen Hansheng and reported the results.

Chen Hansheng's eyes flickered when he heard that their relic warehouse and headquarters had been ransacked. He nodded to show that he understood but did not say much. He quietly followed Wang Wen and the others to the Tiansheng Group.

Dongbei Qin was dead.