Interesting Question And Answer

There was no time for a young man who had just begun his love life.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruoruo supposedly met by chance on the 750th floor in the safe zone. They were intimate with each other as if no one else was present. The time flew by!

Wang Wen's eyelids were swollen from sleep, and each day felt like a year.

It was early Thursday morning, nearly 60 hours after persevering for more than two days. He thought his energy level had returned to 70%. He could not take it any longer and decided to open the checkpoint so he could continue climbing!

Zhu Xingguo let go of Ren Rourou and walked to Wang Wen's side to hand him a prop.

It was the Spirit Ear.

"Master, it's done. You can take it without worry," he said.

Wang Wen nodded. Fortunately, his disciple was well-behaved and did not forget his friends.