The Competitive Fireball

After that…

It exploded.

It exploded, releasing thousands of blood-red pieces of flesh and foam in all directions.

Then, he was dragged back by an unknown force and merged with the wind, frost, rain, and snow as he rushed toward the advanced Oath Scepter.

Such a spectacular scene left Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruoruo speechless.

They had never seen anything like it, not even when battling the hundred-meter-tall giant Qin Dongbei.

The splendor of heaven and earth appeared to be crushed by an even larger, invisible god.

The scepter in Wang Wen's hand was then used to knead it back into a ball.

"Do you think Captain's strength is no different than a god's?" Ren Ruoruo asked, leaning close to Zhu Xingguo's ear.

Zhu Xingguo shook his head.

"How can immortals be stronger than my master?" he said matter-of-factly, looking Ren Ruoruo in the eyes.

Ren Ruoruo remained silent for a long time, unable to think of anything to say.