The Situation Is Not Serious

Inside the tower...

Wang Wen's energy level had returned to normal.

He felt as if he had been reborn.

He could use his energy to ensure that he could safely exit the tower in five seconds, even without the Unity of Man and Nature.

That was his body's energy, which the outside world could not take away without his permission.

The oath had been broken.

The surroundings were already in shambles when viewed through the air bubble.

Surprisingly, there was minor damage to the soil, sand, and vegetation on the ground. Wang Wen had caused the least amount of damage since swearing to the Unity of Man and Nature.

Wang Wen was intrigued.

Would that world be more delectable than the 600th floor?

Was there ever anything so wonderful?

Wang Wen was ecstatic.

He calculated as he looked at the Unity of Man and Nature, which had only a little more than an hour left.