118. Caught six committee members at once! (10,000 words asking for monthly votes!)

Meanwhile, just as Fang Ze was about to set off for the Governing Hall, the councilors of Emerald City had also successively arrived there.

In Xida State, generally speaking, a high-level city would have 9-15 municipal councilors, each with different statuses.

Take Emerald City as an example.

Among the 13 municipal councilors, there were four full-time members such as Jiang Cheng and Commissioner Wang.

They were some of the most powerful people in the high-level cities, not only able to exercise the council's powers when it was not in session but also in charge of all the city's departments, which had to report to them and follow their directives.

Apart from these full-time councilors, there were also eight part-time members in the council, who were heads of the city's eight important departments.