
Grim Fenris' eagerness to embark on a journey had subsided significantly after realizing just how far into the north the place actually was.

He had bought another steel knife in order to prepare for the battle against this formidable chimera said to be terrorizing Kazmir.

The fledgling chimera hunter was riding a carriage on the way to the town. While he was practicing his knife handling and attack stances, he noticed someone staring at him.

It was quite a huge carriage, so he had free movement. Kazmir was three days away from Midgard, and the carriage was going to stop to a town to stack up on supplies and turn back to Midgard. Leaving a full day for Grim to need to walk to get to Kazmir.

The person staring, was the person who sat next to him. A human with uptilted eyes, fair white skin and was wearing a pitch black coat which reached down to his ankles.