Explanation 2

I hear someone is scratching, when i open my eyes i looked down and saw a brown bear.

I'm confused why it is scratching the tree, so i look at the trunk where i sleep and i see there's some apples, i didn't think that i sleep in the apple tree trunk..

So i grab some apples and the bear starts roaring at me, You want this badly to be honest im lucky because your a normal brown bear if not im already eaten.

I throw two apple near at the tree so I'll distract the bear and it took the apple and i go down.

I walk thousand miles and arrive at the capital, to be honest i know you guys think that if im here I'll be recognize but don't worry as long i have empyrean sword i wil disguise as a royal squire..

I go to the gate and the guards stop me also says, Can you show your gate pass?,

Well I don't have that but if i tell you something im sure you will be surprise,

He look at me suspiciously, says look kid if you don't have a gate pass you can't enter.

I sigh and says look im a squire so that means i will enter also one of my mentor's punishment is he tear to shred my gate pass..

Hah kid if you think you can fool by that go scram,

I unsheath my sword and says well look at this mister as you can see i have empyrean sword and this is gift to me you know that only high nobles and royal knights only had this right?

Ahhh sorry i though you were joking about being squire here you can enter now.

Thank you also is this right traing to a squire?.

Ahh well maybe but you must having hard time.

After a while i go to an adventurer's guild so i can start killing some monsters and earned some money..

Wanna know why Idris go to the capital its because the royal knights will think that he is escapee and won't enter any capita and cities..

Idris Appearance

Hair color: Black

Eyes color: Black

Body type: Bulk

Skin tone: Light Brown