Disgusting 2

After those words came out in my mouth she look so terrified at me and says wha... what raping the saintess, a... are you insane saintess is a pure and even the demon king won't try to do that you are more worse than the devil's,..

I give her a gesugao( a big smirk with one eyes of it about to close because of big it's smirk) face and says who cares about that all i need is to conquer the world, and ruled it by me also you said that you were being chased right? How about i make you as my partner in exchange i buy as my slave, how's that it's a good deal right?..

Well if you don't want i'll just wait them to came here to pick you up after i said those words she suddenly change her expression to someone desperately needs help to others and she says well i know that you are stranger but im in despair, i even want to save my race's(She means other elf's like her) so i will accept your offer to me...

I sighed and says Well all you need to do is obey me, do what i told you so for now let me break that shackles and Im Idris Vanguard, how about yours she replied is My name is Yvonne Mae'sharto..

After that time

Someone knock's at my door so i open it and i see in front of me is an ugly bastard from hentai and a buff man with a sword, the ugly bastard says to me did by any happen that you see an elf? I answer him by yes i saw her, he interrupt's me by saying well if that's the case can you give her to us and us gentleman should talking inside right? with smirk so i let them enter to living room and we sit after that i says to him, How about i buy her to you she seems like a slave after all so i can buy her right Mr.?

Ohhh You can call me Mr.Olac well if you want to her the prize is a bit expensive because that slave is still a virgin and good at fighting so that's why she's a bit expensive, I put my hands in my knees while im sutting in cross legs and i says to him, Can you tell the specific prize?. He smirk at me and laugh Hahahah looks like you've got some money there Mr.? I replied him you can address me Mr. Zerta....