
"After we done eating prepare the cloak and daggers because we're going to kill that ugly bastard" while i eat,

"But aren't you too young to kill master?" as she eat as well with me,

I smirk at her "i told that i have a lot of secrets and yet your doubting your master, also im done eating just wait me in front door of my room" i get up in chair and go to my room,

"Ahhh for fuck sake those watchers are still patrolling in time" i open my closet and there's my magical orb, this magical orb can contact the person you want like smartphone,

"Hey man the watchers are patrolling me, hey!! hey!!" as i speak to the orb while i holding it.

The orb shows an image of a man answering me "Tssk, tssk well that's your problem i give you warning but you never listen to me",

"Come on man i plan everything, i kidnapped the daughter of the knights who beat me and fed her in orc also im acting when i kill the orc" as i speak in the orb,

"What do you want me to do? just act natural also how many time you've died?"

"About ten thousand plus and good bye for now because i have an urgent business"

He laughed so hard to me "Urgent business hahahah, make sure they don't alarm" as he keep laughing at me in orb,

"Yeah yeah anyways good bye" i put back the orb in my closet and stand up to open the door,

Those watchers are celestial beings they formed any various animals, Myth monster's they duty is to kill us Time Casualties us casualties are traveling each time and changing the timeline and adding new timeline, Just like a game where you save your last checkpoint and overwrite the save and adding new, and if it we keep going the time itself will reset as the universe exist in simple everything will reset because the time only existing before the universe..

I put back the orb in my closet and as i open the door Yvonne is waiting in front of me "Ahhh master here's the cloak and daggers you ask"

I wear the cloak and pinch my throat to change my voice, and i use illusion to make myself older after that Yvonne ask me "Master what happened to your appearance? and aren't you gonna use these daggers you ask?"

I lean to her as i grab her waist and whisper in erotic "I don't need that because i have a long sword and these sword of mine is making the girls cry for pleasure"..