
After that i wore my clothes back and grab the sword, so i ran off again in the room where the motherfuckers is..

As i run to go there i pass by some torches so i bring one torch, i open the door and yet they didn't notice me coming in so i run each succubus and slashing their head, after i beheaded the succubus everyone seems notice that their partner is dead and they looked at each other and said "What am i doing here?" "Yeah the boss said we will have fun" "Hey where's boss" the ugly bastard was in the corner and shouted "Ahhh fuck i think the bitches succubus hypnotized us"..

I run again each of them and start slaughtering the room is full of blood that splatter, i bring again the torch and starting burning them..

I go back to mansion to gain back my power, well when i was in east continent i learned every martial arts to become a murim warrior (Murim is a martial arts world) and the rank i got is Advance master well i know zenith is a quite good rank but that's the thing i can get well im not born to become an Expert also i have 500 years old dantian (Dantian is like a mana in fantasy world but dantian is different it's a center of your body like a storage of Qi focus) looks like im gonna cultivate again..

As i enter i saw some elf kids playing in hallway they look at me and start crying and saying "Please don't hurt us i beg you human" "Uwaahhh" some adult elves came to hallway and immediately approach the elf kids to stop them crying "Are you the one who save us?" as the beautiful elf spoke to me i answer her "Tch Yvonne is the one saved you and the rest of you kind, i just kill the ugly bastard because he sell Yvonne at me in high price of gol- wait i forgot my golds fuck" in shock expression of mine,

"What do i do now i killed and burn them, fuck my gold bars" Yvonne came out in the kitchen and ask me "Master are also gonna eat",

"No, im gonna cultivate and don't disturb me" as i walk to upstairs and go to my room, as i enter in my room i sat down in corner started meditating...