My. three years plan

I swipe my tears after i cry and suddenly Yvonne knock at the carriage door so i open it and Yvonne ask me while she standing outside "What are doing here alone master?" i look at her and she seem confused what im trying to say so i ask her to sit inside, i close the carriage door "Nothing also i thought you were gonna stay with your parents" she laughed at me and say "Haaah we've made a promise right and you're the only person who help me to escape with my kind" as she smile at me, i take a deep breath and ask her "What do you think about the saintess?" she bigger her eyes in shock and say "Wait are you really gonna rape her now master?" i give her a disgusting look and face at her and say "Really you still having thoughts that im gonna rape her well not now but soon i'll rape her but what do you think why the saintess is here?" "I don't know but i think something fishy plan they making" as she answer me...

*Well to be honest i don't want to waste my three years plan but i also want to know why the saintess is here, wait if the saintess is here and my country lost in the war because of instant healing of the saintess and maybe the king had agreement with elves and ordered to make the saintess more powerful so that's why my country lost in war*

"I've decided to stay here for a while" Yvonne smile and happy to hear that im gonna stay "I know what are thinking right now master your thinking to investigate the saintess right?",

*I know why master is here but i think he's always carrying a burden some feelings and past or trauma also master is little by little to trust me and i think he got curse or something to become like a child look and master*.....