Dig bick

"Can't y'all shut it off glaring at me as if im a murderer or wanted criminal" they all stand up after i say those words "Look at this human thinking he's high and mighty shall we put you in your right place" as one of the elves standing up with holding a dagger, "You got cocky because this is your territory but look at the others becoming a sex slaves because they're useless" and laugh after i finish my sentence and some of them approach to me and say "For your information we can kill humans inside of our territory" i laughed again and tapped the shoulder one of them and saying "Want to kill me go ahead but first get permission to your king or queen or both." they started punching and kicking me till i passed out on the floor "Haah look at this pathetic human you fucking thrash" "Yeah you even use the king and queen for your bluffing" i ask them if they finish beating up one of them they look at me in shock and saying "Ho,,,, how can you be so ok after we beat you up" i raised one of my eyebrows and point my finger to the person who they beat up "Why you guys beat one of you did you guys taking drugs or something look at him he has bruise all over his body" i climb in upstairs and go to my room *Damn thankfully i had illusion ability if were not probably im the one who was beaten so badly in floor*....

As i woke up i go downstairs and see the elves who thought that they beat me "Hey you, you need to pay for what you did yesterday" as he shout at me so i answer them "The fuck you're talking about i didn't do anything to any of you and yet you accused me for what happened to your friend when you guys who beat his ass also get the fuck out on my way i had important things to do" i leave at the inn and find some alley...