A ties with another kingdom 3

'The thing is why this guy want to take over the whole West kingdom, does he have a grudge against them or something'

Capuz continued eating then wander around the house, a she wandered around the house the next thing she did is checking every idris belongings.

Capuz found a Crystal ball in idris wardrobe, as her curiosity she brought it and ask idris what the use of this Crystal ball.

"Hey i know i shouldn't disturb you but what is the use of this?"

Idris is in deep mind and gathering his Qi that he ignore capuz question.


The ball starts to light up then shows idris having a mental breakdown, dying in every possible way, suffering from hell, as all the scene shows up she shed a tear as pitying him of he's been going through, the tears dripping in her hand to accidentally slip the Crystal ball, as it drops she notices that she is shedding a tears, she picked it up while looking idris as if nothing happen.

'What the hell is it him? But how can he still keeping up to all of it, So there's demon king and he fight it by himself, he lose and won in another life but it seems his happiness was taken away.

Idris is still in deep meditation that he didn't notice capuz saw his whole life, a whole life where you want to be happy or at least a temporary happiness.

'I can feel his loneliness and emptiness inside him after i watch, he died billionsl times but kept saying to himself he only died by a thousand-'

"Those are memory fragments that i put my own memory into it, im not a fool to cover myself as died in thousand times but it was promised to myself i will live a new life with full of meaning and happiness but a prophecy take it away from me"

As he stand up to get a floor mat to wipe the tear in floor.

"I had a wife, she's a prophecy hero who will save the world, i met her by exploring to the whole continent of west, i accidentally killed his enemy demon she look at me with full of hopes to help her while me is stunned by her beauty so without doubting or any regrets i decided to be her companion, we-"

Idris pauses when someone knocks at the door, idris calmly open the door.

As idris open the door Yvonne saw Capuz and ask idris.

"Master who's that girl?"

"My future wife"

Yvonne is shocked and greet Capuz but capuz is acting awkward because she's guilty to what she'd done to Yvonne's kind.

'He did not finish the story because of this elf but the thing is an elf serving to a human?'

"Master, do you know those human who ambush us elves?"

"Southerners, from south and southeast region"

Idris gave a specific answer but not detailed much.

Then Yvonne furiously asked to idris

"Then can you kill all of the southerners who attack us last night?"

Idris chuckle and wanted to laugh but try to stop it

"I already did and your report?"

"The saintess is powerful now after she learn all healing methods to our elders and i think we need to make a move now?"

Idris sat with a grin in his face, Capuz and Yvonne sat at the bed while looking at idris.

"No we will execute the plan in perfect time and moment so be ready of i"..