A ties with another kingdom 6

'Now that i learned the healing methods of elves i must pay the back by healing their citizens, i need to concentrate and put my power to heal all of them'

After she learned the methods of healing, the Saintess kept healing the elves without a taking a break even the elder elves stopping her to take at least a break.

As the holy knights arrived, the three investigate the southerners hostages to get information and marc going to check the Saintess condition as he know that the she kept healing without taking a break.

"Saintess you must at least take a break you've been doing this since we left in morning aren't you?"

As he came to Saintess he stopped her for a second and grab her wrist gently.

"I know we owe the elves but if something happens to you then how can we help them- no how can you help them, please rest"

"Okay if you insist-"

As soon as she get up her knees cramped so she can't stand properly so i carry her and bring to her room.

"Wait it's okay you don't need to carry me"

"You're tired Saintess and it's my duty to protect you"

The Saintess flustered and as we came to her room i drop her in bed and cover her a blanket. This room is a chamber, assassin's can infiltrate here any moment without problem i should take care of this problem.

"Don't worry about us, take rest Saintess"

Now this is a good opportunity, i need to be close to her out child will hindered the kingdom as i take the another one.

I came to my teammates and they kept torturing the southerners to get information.

"Ohh marc, all we've gathered information is, they from another kingdom and they're plan is to obliterate the elves and steal their artifacts"

"Should we informed the king?, Since this situation might involved in a war"

"Yeah they might planning use the artifacts to engage war on us?"

All of them are being skeptical about deciding to inform the king about this but we lack information, i haven't ask Capuz about their plan.

"No once we informed the king then what do you think will happen?"

Klaus punch the southerners in face, a face full of bruise, and all fo them are deeply thinking about the situation of deciding.

"Even how much i continue torturing this bastard he won't saying any more than killing the elves and steal the artifacts"

"Once we informed the king, then they will take action as they do, then the southerners will use this as a bait they will frame us an warmonger nation and think carefully even though they didn't do that the southerners will asked for help in another countries such as the east and north for attacking such country and if not again then the elves will involve in this war and how will they fight in their current situation?"

'They seem convinced with my logical statement, also i need to stop them to inform about this to the king since we are secretly making negotiation with elves after the history of Human and Elf war.'

"Also we killed an assassin right who use illusion this is might related to what he said before he died"

All of them look at me in full of shock expression.

"Yeah i remember and his last words are I've sent from another kingdom to kill us and the Saintess"

"He's right but what if there's another assassin inside the Alfen, since they attack us how did they pass through the illusion barrier? Someone is imposter in elves- no the elder elves"

"Freya's right elder elves can only open and put illusion barrier and since the assassin can use illusion they might use illusion as well to cover they're appearance"

'Perfect, all things are going as i plan and now for the next step'

"You, Freya can protect the Saintess as we investigate in among the elder elves?"

She frown in shock as well the two.

"I can't, im not someone like you who can be a true image of being a leader"

"You know that you're the only who figure out who's the assassin right and we can't since you have an outstanding psychological warfare.

"You guys are really sure of you're decision?

All of them nod and get back to our work, i came to the Saintess room to be her guard while she asleep.

'These southerners i never thought they'd planning something good but they're plan is merely strategy without tactical so it's practically a lose to them'...