neither talent and skill but a brain

'Fuck when the things are going good now these Holy Knights and that bitch Saintess if it weren't to them our plan will succeed i hope our general Capuz report this matter but for now i need to assassinate the Saintess, the Mauxaria kingdom (West kingdom) is planning something to send the Saintess in elves have they forgotten the war of human and elves, since i secure the artifacts i need to send letters to report this problem in kingdom'

The imposter send his letter using the owl.

'Arghhh how do i get this situation, Capuz is taking so long when will-'

"You seems spaced out young man, and your physique is quite good why don't you learn swordsmanship?"

An old man wearing a fine military uniform, his face has alot of wounds from his battle.

"No! Because i already learned them"

"Oh really then can i see your talent?"

He toss me a wooden sword as we standing in corner, were in the training place where Capuz station place.

I grab the sword and make a stance of the point of sword is close in my left foot, his stance is common to me because i learned every stance of army in west and east and some of them have similarities.

"Your stance is different but stance only itself is not good if you can't properly defend"

He leap through to me with a wide slashing as soon he done talking, i parry it then duck to kick his feet but he sees my intension so he step back and i throw the sword to him, as i throw his expression is shock that why is a person with swordmanship throws his sword to his enemy, so i quickly leap to his left where he's holding his sword and throw a dust in his face.

"Wait your cheating"

I kick his back hips as he wiping of the dust, i grab my sword and poke the old man in nape.

"Swordmanship is not about skills or talent it's about how will you defeat your opponent without being scratch"

"Hahahahah from others it maybe you're cheating but for someone who like me with a lot of fighting experience i can tell you have a point"

As he brush off the dust in his eyes some of knights training are intidimate approaching me and all of them are readied to fight me.

"You. How can you cheat in duel! And yet you cheated in General Pesame"

"Cheat you say how about i take all of you?"

The old man shock as say, and the others were angrily ask the old man permission to have a duel to me.

They jumped on me at the same time with good formation, so i put my focused strength in my forearm to parry their attacks. As i parry their sword bounces, they lack of pure strength to to grip their sword tightly to not bounce off.

"How can you be so strong?"

"It feels like im hitting a boulder!"

I smirked as they step to question me, so i leaped to them and hit their hand as they hold the swords, some of them drop the sword and others endure it.

"Yes as parry your swords as i hit million times the boulder, and i hit your hands as you must endure the pain and if i were the instructor the one who drop their sword should be quit"

They look at me with full of anger in their eyes, the old man agreed to me and educate them more and more strictly.

As i waited enough i saw Capuz approaching me with sad expression and eyes.

"What's the problem?"

"Nothing let's go home for now it's already past afternoon and im tired"

Her voice is sad i can tell that she don't want to talk about it so i let it go for now but i will ask her again what is bothering her?..