Desire of humans

I woke up naked hugging Capuz, I can feel her smooth skin.

I chuckle and laugh because a man's dream to slept with beautiful girls but once they've done that; what's next?, What i should do now?, Is this the happiness i want?.

I shouldn't- no we shouldn't, we swayed by our emotions but this is my first time i felt my emotion again.

She woke angry by my laugh but for a second she saw idris face makes her curious why is he crying or what is he crying to?.

'Wait why am i sleeping with him?, And why am i naked?'

Capuz remember what happened between Idris and her last night. She stand up and put her clothes.

"Are you really serious about your plan?"

I wiped my tear in shock and sliced in to her while she's putting her clothes.

"Yeah... I'm serious about it why you ask?"

She leave the room without answering wht she ask if im serious about it. Maybe she want to revenge to her own country as they easily dismissed her...

"Is the Saintess condition are good?"

"Yeah she must be tired after she healed our kin we want the Saintess drink this Elixer"

The elder elves barge in the Saintess room to ask if her condition is good, they are all worrying for her health but something is odd.

"If you'd like to excuse us i can give the Elixer to Saintess later, the Saintess has a high fever due to breaking her energy limit on healing"

I kept checking the Saintess condition after i brought her in chamber to rest, i step in to talk them and get the Elixer they want to give her.

"I think the Saintess needed to drink this now, we are worrying for her so we want to fully recover quickly from her fever- no we only worrying so i hope this Elixer helps"

"Don't worry elders i will give this she's sleeping right now and we don't want to disturb her right?"

"But this will help her-"

"He said he will give it to Saintess later as you can see she's resting"

They leave the room and the Saintess condition is not quite good she has high fever and one of the elder elf wanting the Saintess drink the Elixer now so i check the elixer if it had a poison or something; as i checked there's no poison i think this imposter is also good at planning.

I sit next to Saintess and hold her hand, she slowly woke uo and open her mouth so say something.

"I'm sorry if i made you worry"

"Don't be sorry Saintess it's my duty to stay by your side and protect you even it cost my life"

She pat and brush my hair as she laughs, lying in bed with a high fever and still worrying for her knights how pure her soul. I don't know if i can really rape her since im starting to feel my emotions again, i really hate the feeling of guilt but maybe i can make her my wife so she can bear my child and i want to see what faith and destiny of my child will become..