A war

'I really don't know why i felt uneasy about that guy and it's mysterious how Lady Capuz got a fiancee and all the informations i gather seems truth and lie at the same time i must see that mythical creature myself'

How suspicious that guy, Lin Weng name from east and serving in west but he seems doesn't care about his ethic or difference of his culture and south, asking what happened to Capuz why she failed the mission how intrigue, they must be planning something about elves.

"Sir this place seems dangerous and it's already evening we should take rest for now"

"Granted permission and be alert"

'Lin Weng.. Lin Weng we need you to annihilate the elves in a month. For fuck sake giving me this impossible mission even though they know i can't handle this i should be really careful after we have a fight against those orcs'

"Everyone be alert as you rest we've lost Four thousand infantryman's after we have fight those barbarous orcs"

Instead of answering with raise voice they nod and do as what they told to do, Lin patrol without sleep and kept his way to elves...

"Sir i found the way in to Alfen kingdom"

"Is that true that you found their secret?"

"Affirmative sir and i already draw their whole base as i hide"

"Very well tell them to get ready because this is an all out war against elves"

Lin Weng wear a full plate armor along his long sword and he sends a letter before going in war...

" how's the Saintess condition marc?"

"She's okay right? And we've stopped finding the remaining Southerners last week"

We're eating as we had conversations, until we hear a screaming of elves asking for help.

"The southerners are here they came back again. Help us!!!"

"Help!!! Save me please help!!!"

We immediately go outside and some of elves legion are fighting against infantryman's and the elf archerers we're shooting the heavy infantryman's, we jump in war and slaughtering the southerners.

"Fuck a human siding with elves? You elffucker you'll regret siding with them-"

"You're fucking loud and disrrupting my meal and this happened before"

A lot of houses are burning and some of my teammates are saving and evacuting the injured elves and civilan elves, a lot if happening in kingdom alfen and their house- no their kingdom became battle ground since a lot of elves are recovering their wound and injured in last ambushed and the Saintess had a high fever.

"Forward Commander Lin Weng and God of light is with us"

The heavy infantryman's commence an attack with good formation, and most of us fighting against them we're exhausted some of them can't even stand up properly and can't swing the sword anymore.

If this keep up we'll actually die in here and i can't use my illusion power because they might suspect me, i have no choice since this a war and we're lacking of soldiers, but even thought they're thousands but elves can kill seven people by themselves unfortunately we're only 64 fucking sake.

I create alot of myself and everyone is a bit shock even my teammates.

"You're hiding an useful or useless trick Marc teach me that later in heaven"

Klaus make a joke even our situation is in brink of death, and the enemy rushed towards us more without fear.

"He's only using illusion, illusion are meant to trick don't be fooled but be a true warrior forward"

We also rushed against them, our swords clashes and parrying each other.

"Fuck!!! This is not illusion this is real!!! The stab ge stab me"

"Fuck how can illusion be a reality it's clone he can-"

All the enemies look at me while fighting their eyes wants to get rid of me.

"Hey fucking southerners look at me while we fight-"

They rush towards me and leave their enemies, a lot of southerners attack me at the same time but i only escaped and killed some of them.

"Commander Lin!!, There's-"

I slashed it's head and flew off to a person wearing a full plate mithril armor along hus long sword and the southerners keep attacking me tirelessly.

"Stop at once, im the one who will defeat this enemy and as we duel- no fight to death kill all the enemies don't let a single of them live"

The southerners attack my teammates and elves, none of them gave me a look or attention even i lower my guard down.

"None of them will attack you but only me"

"Lin Weng right then you're the one who disrupt my meal in noon your fucking dead meat"

"Let's see that as our swords clash"

He leaped at me and spun around hanging his sword out so step back and attack him vertically but he easily parry it and as he parry he bend his body to slash me in half with his energy flow attack, it slashed me in chest a lot of blood dripping out of my chest and i feel so heavy and my mind is going to blank.

"You feel it right? That's my power i never thought i would use this but my mission is asking me to"

"Fuck you man, haaahhh yo-"

He quickly draw his sword to cut off my head but i managely step back then look at my surroundings my teammates are all tired and we're only ones left here in battle, fuck my original my body is with Capuz and i didn't have much energy since i always taking care the Saintess...