9: Take Care of The IDOL

Fate's pov,

Huh!!? what's happening am I dreaming

*Ahm* "Miss Kim"? I asked.

okay, I know Miss Kim won't be home becoz she will spend her time with her boyfriend but why is she lying on the floor?

Her face is red and she's smiling is she drunk?

Is she okay?



Did she just

what the hell did she just call me wifey or did I hear it wrong not believing in her words I look around just to make sure she was calling someone else.

Nope, she is calling me God!

"Yes " wait why did I answer im, I'm not her wifey we are not married, I'm more like divorced soo...


I tried to help her

I know she probably won't take it but I still

"You okay?"

"Wife, your h-ome" Miss Kim said with hickup, she tried to stand up but failed,

yup, she's super drunk I can smell the strong scent of alcohol. God! it's gross I want to throw up.

"Came let me help you " pulled her arm gently

*Hug* "you here" Miss Kim giggled,

Huh '

It's too close

too close

too close

"come on let's get you to the bed"

"Nooooo, no sleep want wifey" she pouts


"I-i .do you want to watch anything then?" I asked trying to avoid her statement

"Can we watch mooivie"? Why she's asking it's her house she can watch anything she wants,

"Sure," I say with a smile .she's smiling too.

My heart...

I shook my head and cleared my thought





Don't know which personality of Miss Kim is bad

the cold aura IDOL the one who hates me

. Or

The sweet clenching cat baby Jennie whose head is resting on my chest.

we're watching Frozen I don't know why I agree with this but I'm not feeling bad it's quite nice, just gonna ignore my heart's position

It's not like it's bothering Miss Kim she's resting peacefully. her hands on the back of my neck.

And I'm drawing a slow circle on her back just to make her more comfortable.

It's nice but deep down I know it's wrong to feel this, for now, I just want to be a little selfish and spend most of my time as long as it makes her happy.





After 40 minutes Miss Kim looks up and met my eyes "jagi I'm hungry "!

She gave me her puppy eyes

is she want me to die by her adorableness

"Okay is there anything you want me to make for you?

It will be the first time she tastes the food I make it makes me happy, for some reason it feels like a married couples thing

"Don't know, whatever wifey make Jennie eat "

*Smile* " do you like to have Kimchi fried rice then?"

"Yupp" pooping the p she explains.

"Okay, I will make it for you"

I tried to Sit up but Miss Kim is not letting me go she sitting on my lap

"Miss Kim if I don't sit up you will be hungry so can you please get down "I gently try to push her

"Noooo take me too "

"Miss Kim- fine hold my hand "



"Embrace me"

"Huh but Miss Kim "

"No embrace me, embrace me "

"Okay fine Jesus "

"Come here "

I pick her up in bridal style

how in world even we ended up in this?

"There there, "Miss Kim said pointing at the kitchen counter

"You want to sit here ?"

*Smile* "yup, hehehe"

"Okay Miss Kim " smile*



I was cutting veggies when I felt a warm hand on my waist startling I almost dropped the knife.

Miss Kim, she's hugging me from behind lightly pushing me against the kitchen counter.

her breath on my neck making my body shiver 'Why is so Hot in here !'

My throat went dry when she placed a soft kiss on my exposed neck down to my shoulder 'I shouldn't were a loose shirt' 'Damm it!'

My mind went blank I close my eyes Try to contain myself from making any kind of wired noise that want to escape from my lips, but failed miserably when her teeth touch the soft sensitive skin of my neck

"Ahaa" a moan left my lips.

did I just?

"Uh-uh M- mi-ss k- k im ?"

"You smell nice honey," she said in a tone that I Never heard as she dug her nose into my nap in healing my sent

huh' her words were clear, it look like she was not drunk

"Miss, the food is almost ready "! I Explain try to get away from her

"Hmm okay " she let go of me

I don't how long I have to take care of drunk Jennie Hang Kim it's not I don't like it.

More like I love it


It's probably 11 and I'm feeding Miss Kim she refuses to eat by herself she looks really cute

Just like a baby



"And that the last bite very good Miss Kim, let's go and wash your mouth now "

"Okay wifey'' it felt good hearing that wife' i like it.

She probably won't even remember any of this but this is the best night we spent together almost like a couples


I was taken Miss Kim to her room upstairs she was holding my hand .it's warmth my heart just her holding my hand it felt nice.

I don't hate when she touches me.

it's new however I don't like it when anyone else touches me the effects are really bad.

But with her, it's all new.


'"okay now you will sleep okay and if you need anything just call my name once I will be here "

I Never get into Miss Kim's bedroom not even for cleaning she doesn't like when people get in her privacy this is my first and last time I think.

I was about to leave when Miss Kim hold my arm gently pulling me closer to her.

"Noo, wifey sleep with me too " she pouts

"But Miss Kim i-'. "

"No wifey sleep here too " she starts again fine it's not like I can sleep I will be weakened up in the night. Just a few minutes maybe.

"Fine if that's what Miss Kim wants " as I said she show me her gummy smile

This won't be bad I hope

Her head rests on my arm as her hands lazily fall on my waist.

she sleeps peacefully her breathing is calm. maybe I can stay for a few minutes more. it won't be bad.


6:00 Am,

I wake up to the light snoring sounds.

did I sleep last night?

My bed why it's soft again did I?

I open my eyes

Miss Kim, she's sleeping spooning me.

memories of last night came to my thoughts.

she was drunk and then asked me to stay with her and now I'm here right beside her

*Smile* she looks cute. Can't believe the IDOL can be this too.

I wanted to be here more but I know I can't this is wrong, for me for her it's not good

*Sigh* trying hard not to wake her up I get away from bed .she probably forgot about everything so. let's just think last night was a dream.

I start cleaning the house. the plates were still in the kitchen sink I didn't get time to clean them last night, and as I clean the image of Miss Kim on the kitchen counter sitting there with hopeful eyes happy when she saw the food I make when she taste it.

The moment when she was filling soft kisses on my nape. I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach 'huh' oh right I didn't eat breakfast I have to finish work first.

I shook my head to get some relief from the memories.

Deep down I know I hope she remembers our little encounter last night

When I was taking my clothes off Her expensive delighted CHANEL Aroma was still on my clothes.

I sniff a little ..its delectable just like her

I want to stop, but it's already too late as much I try to avoid or hide I can't help but admit it.

my little tiny crush on her.

Yup, I'm in deep shit...


I know she probably won't eat it again but still, she will get a hangover so

.i leave some medicine and food on the table with a note that she wouldn't bother to see. yup I'm still doing it




"What happened to you Jerry you look like a zombie " what happened to her eyes she didn't sleep it's clear but why as much as I know her I know whatever the reason Jerry Lee Never misses her beauty sleep.

" I'm fine just need something strong and I will be good to start my working day " she explained lazily,

seriously this girl she's laying on the chairs.

"What you did do last night Jerry? " I asked seriously this matter is serious

"I didn't do anything can you just get me something" seriously you think I will drop this topic no never NEVER.

it just starting

"Listen here you Jerry Lee if you don't tell me what happened last you will get in trouble and I will make sure you received the worst punishment this time"

she looked at me fear writing all over her face yup she knows who I'm talking about.

The only person in this world Jerry fears after animals' ghosts and rides is Miss Sera Lee.

"No, you won't do that "! She said.

oh Jerry only you know

"Yup " I Take out my cellphone

"Fine fine I will tell you later Stop please " that was easy

"Fine "

"And what happened to you? Do you look like you sleep peacefully? "

"I did "I whisper

"Huh really? !" She is happy yup Jerry I did

"What change though "?

"Well, last night Miss Kim was drunk soo. I help her and then fall asleep on the same bed. I think because she was with me too. that's why I didn't get any nightmares .it was the best sleep I had in years, Jerry !" I explain

"WHAT ...YOU WITH HER O MY GOD DID YOU ..YOU TOw " Before she could finish I put my hand in her mouth yup I should expect this...

"Can you not shout please there people eating their food "

"Wolff off "huh' what was that


"Did you get your rose picked up by her " huh again these words how many do I have to tell her Don't use that?

"No, and will you stop saying that"!

"Ohh then you guys just sleep with clothes on "?

No, we sleep strip naked gosh what does she expect from me I don't like showing my body to anyone.

flashback starts back if anyone saw them each buries left on my back my hips by my dearest father and the bullies still there with crimson black spots.

Yup bullies but that's the other story

"Yes, with clothes on "

"Huh I thought maybe you guys but whatever "

"Really what about you? Why are sounding disappointed? And Why didn't you sleep last night ?"

"Well I was just thinking " did I hear that right Jerry thought that's new

"Really about what"?

"About someone I mean something"

"Correct me again someone or something ?"

"Someone who did something to me "

"The someone is..''?

"If I tell you will you be mad "? she serious

"Jerry you're my best friend were together since we are kids, sometimes you annoy me badly but that doesn't mean I will be mad at you, how can I be mad at my Fairy godmother Jerry Lee " I explain gently

"The person is my boss " what boss means Miss Cane?

she likes her but she's not her age. Relax Fate's age is just a number remember you should respect her feelings.

"Oh that means you and Miss Cane, you like her "?

"Yes I think I like- wait WHAT, where did you get that"

"You just said you like your boss so.."

"No not miss Cane you idiot. I'm im'--, you know what nevermind ' '

"Hey, but I thought you-"

"Fate" Jessie

"Hey can you send a black coffee to Amy's office "

"Oh sure I will just get her that "

"I can give her that, " Jerry said

"No, it's fine "

"Well see you later then Fate Jerry and you too Carol " she waved her hands

Manager's office,

** Knock knock...

"Jerry finally you here, I brought some donates for you come let's eat toge-' FAte?"

Yup, something is going on between them. wait Jerry said she likes her boss is she means...

Does she like Amy?

Jerry Lee who never likes anyone except herself likes Amy Halton


I'm just imagining stories...