21:The Big Bad Wolf

Fate's pov,


" I'm sorry please P-please bear the pain miss "

I examine carefully her ankle, She sustained a big cut on her left ankle its swelling

"Miss Kim the cut is deep but I don't think you sprained it " she sigh in relief

"I will just close the door first or the wild animals will come "I get up to the door and close it, the lock was pretty old that's why I avail to break it.

I take the kit "Miss Kim I'm cleaning your wound now then put some Cream on it, it burns a little please endure the pain "

I hold her ankle "Please be gentle," she said holding my hands

"I will Miss Kim "



After finishing cleaning the wounds and wrapping the bandage "it's all done Miss you did a great job " I said with a smile

"Thank you Fate "

Miss Kim looks at me curiously but I avoid her gaze

I look around and saw a fireplace on the right side of the room, I got up and walked towards it, The wood that was burning in the fireplace was still there.

There was some wood left by the side of the fireplace. Those who were living here have left it may be, I took some wood and put it in the fire. After a while the shack filled with light,

The fire comforted my wet body, "Miss Kim please sit here you're wet it will help you to dry your clothes " she tried to get up, and she gripped the wooden chair I got close to her and hold her hands "Here let me ".

Sitting together we let our bodies warm up The room we are in doesn't have much space, but it was neat and clean those who were here before are no longer here just hope they don't mind us using their things

I close my eyes, and the glass windows of the shack are shaking with the roar of lightning in the distance, Silence has consumed us, but not for long as Miss Kim said: "Why did you come after me Adierson ?"


I open my eyes and look at her "I don't understand Miss "

"Why didn't you just go "


"Where ?"

"To your sister, she will be worried about you don't you think "

"Oh, I  think everyone will be worried about both of us and Joey, I can't just leave you alone in the woods  Miss Kim ", I said sincerely

She looks at me " why who  am I to you ?". she demands

'who are you to me ' that's something that I want to find too

"Your M- You're the  Idol "

"That's it ?"

"Yes Miss Kim "

"Even if I'm the Idol you should just go back to your girlfriend first "

Oh, Wait ..!

"Girlfriend ?" I asked, dumbfounded by the new information I get just now

"Yes your so-called nonblood sister," she said annoyingly

'oh lord seriously =_='

"J-Joey **chukled ** Miss Kim Joey is like my little sister she's not my girlfriend or something "

"Really! But you said you like her ?"

**Smile** " yes Miss Kim I like her Coz she is just my sister "

"That's good to hear," she said happily, and she's is happy a few moments ago she was angry, and now.

=_=' why even she happy about Joey being my sister? The Idol has bad mood swings

Silence again **Ahm** "Adierson! "

I look at her "yes Miss Kim ?"

"I'm hungry .. and Bore!"

**Chukled ** "Miss Kim we don't have food here so... I'm sorry "

"Well then entertain me !"

"Okay I will try, what do you want me to do "

"Dance for me "

"I don't know how to "

"Oh .hmm then Sing me a song "

"Miss Kim you're the singer between us so Can't do that either "

"Gosh! is there anything you can do Adierson !"

"If you want I can tell you a story ''

"Story? About Prince and Princess, you think im a child ?" She put 'well you were behaving like one before. but still..' cute'

"No Miss Kim I just thought you won't get bored, but if you don't want it then it's fine "

"NO ! what's the story about ?"

"But you said you are not a kid to hear Stories "

"No, I want! Tell me. " 'it's not a request

**Smile ** "Sure so the name of the story is The Big Bad Wolf "

"The Big Bad Wolf ?"

"Yes "

I look at the fireplace and initiate

Once upon a time, there lived a fierce, selfish, and heartless wolf in a dense forest near a village, a village where other wolves live peacefully. But they were terrified of him, they used to call him The Big Bad Wolf as the wolf was cruel, and no other wolf came near to his cave. The wolf spent his day in his cave and night hunting. But The wolf was lonely just like some other wolves he never found his mate, the wolf used to cry in pain and, pray for his Mate in front of the Moon goddess, But the moon goddess never answer his prayers. Everyone with that The Big Bad Wolf doesn't deserve a Mate because he was heartless so the moon goddess didn't make one for him, like everyone else The Wolf also Assumes he doesn't deserve a mate, but as time goes by he never needs a Mate.

A full moon night came and like every full moon night, he was weeping in pain, a pain that he always felt in his heart. The villagers could hear him, he was lamenting, lamenting for his aching heart. But soon his pain stops as he feels something unusual in the forest, a fragrance came to his nostrils he Shivered, and his heart was breathing heavily, but he doesn't feel pain. He looked around but found no one. But he knew someone was keeping their eyes on him, watching his every movement carefully.

"Someone like who?" Miss Kim ask

"Someone who was feeling the same as him "

"Then what happened after that? Did he find his soulmate? " She asked curiously like a child

**Smile ** " for that you have to listen to the story, Miss Kim "

"Agh! Fine "

I look at the fireplace and start again

The villagers noticed the change in their Big Bad Wolf and they were happy. After a few months again a full moon night appear but this time the wolf was not lamenting he just go to the top of the forest and looks at the beauty of the full moon, the Moon seems like it wears white fur shining brightly in the sky, he lets out a deep breath and close his eyes he could Smell the sweetest fragrance again.

He knew the person was right behind him." I know you are here come out and yourself " he growled. Soon he felt something walking towards him he looked behind and felt something, his heart was breathing heavily, he Shivered as he looked at the beautiful white wolf who was looking at him knowingly about everything. The white wolf was just like the moon bright shining at the darkest depths of this cruel heart.' why am I feeling this ' he thought to himself " Because I'm here your Mate " someone said in his head. It was the white wolf, the white Wolf who was keeping her eyes on him every day was her mate.

"MATE " he growled

"Yes your Mate," the other wolf said whose eyes were fixed on him

He looks at the other Wolf and blusters " But I don't have any Mate "

"Yes you have and it's me "

"NO ! Leave! Before I make you, even if you're my mate I don't want you! "


"Because you're making me weak I don't want to be weak! So just LEAVE.-"!


"I said leave !!"


"And she just leaves him alone after that the wolf spends his day like every day else he didn't find the fragrance again nor the presence "

"What?! So just like that she just left him! ?"

"W-well yes "

"Gosh! It's the worst story I ever heard Adierson, next time I told you that I'm bored please don't tell me any stories !"

*Chukled ** "Ay Ay Miss Kim !"

**Smile ** " it's late now let's go to sleep I'm tired "

**Ahmm** " sure let me help you "

"It's fine Adierson you Don't Have to do it all

"It's okay Miss " I gently grab her arms

We lay down in bed adding some distance between us. The rain didn't stop  Now I hope the rain stops in the morning.

"Adierson "

"Yes, Miss Kim?

"Do you think the Bad Wolf was entirely so heartless that he told his mate to leave him alone?"

Not really the story that I told Miss Kim was incomplete, the ending of this story well it's kind of sad, I used to hate this story because of its hurtful ending but Miss Lee always tells this story to us.

"Miss Kim for me I think the wolf was not heartless, he was just scared of all the feelings"

" Maybe, but I don't think the white wolf should just leave like that as she said she was his Mate so she should try to be with him or make him realize "

"Your right, but I think sometime you should give up on things you can't have or can't change "

"That's boring, for me if you want something you should get it !"

**Chukled ** " not everyone can have the things they want Miss Kim "

"Your right, but I can always have whatever I Want "

"Your Lucky Miss "

'very Lucky'





Third-person pov,

10:00 pm,

The Brando Hotel

Managers office,

"Thank you, Mr Wilson, we understand, " Amy said before leaving the manager's office.

After the disappearance of Fate and Jennie all the idols and Amy as well Jerry were worried, Amy called Mr Wilson to ask for help and he did try his best but the weather it gets worst they can't go to the woods today morrow morning they will leave and find them.

Amy walks towards Jerry's room holding a food tray, the idols are in their room now after coming back from the village they found out Fate and Jennie were Missing, Amy tries to call Jennie but she finds her phone in her backpack that she throws at the park because of anger

Amy didn't understand why Jennie get Angry and what made her do this stupid thing. Amy knows Jennie is not a child and she doesn't behave like one but this.

Amy is worried about her friend she knows even in anger Jennie can be in danger she wants to go to the woods but Mr Wilson didn't let her because the weather was bad the thunderstorm is consuming the whole place getting out of the hotel to find her friend maybe can't be a good decision.

' Just hope you guys are safe ' she thought as she knock on the door.

"Come in " Jerry replies tiredly. Jerry didn't look up she was sitting in her bed looking at the book that Fate read if she couldn't fall asleep 'Bounded To The Devils Daughter '  the name written on the Book, Amy saw Jerry holding the book wrongly but didn't say anything she knows Jerry is in deep thoughts.

Amy put the tray on the table as Jerry leave the book on the bed and go close to Amy,

"Did you find them "? Jerry asked

"No, but Mr Wilson said they will go to the woods In the morning"

"Can I go with them too ?"

"Don't worry we can, now please eat. "

"I don't want to," Jerry said stubbornly as she sit on the chair

"Please you didn't eat dinner,  for me " Amy requested

"Did you eat ?"

"I--' i will after you finish "

"No! If you want me to eat then you have to eat too "

"Fine "



A few moments later they finish eating Amy stood up for leaving the room but Jerry holds her sleeves "do you think they will be fine right ?"

Amy looks at her, she knows how worried Jerry is about Fate, she gently holds her cheeks brushes  her thumb, and said " they will be I know Jennie maybe she seems to be cold towards Fate but she is not that bad "

Amy hugs Jerry 'im not worried about Miss Kim I know she will be fine because Fate is with her, she will take care of her. I'm just worried about Fate's nightmares the thunderstorm will make it terrible hopefully Miss Kim can calm her down ' Jerry thought as she close her eyes to hearing Amy's scent


A phone call interrupted them Jerry pulls away "who is it?" Amy looks at Jennie's phone she let out  a deep breath "it's Jeremy "

"Jeremy?" Jerry asked not knowing the person who called the idol.

"Jennie's boyfriend "

'well shit now there will be a change of plans, Hope Fate prepares her heart for this one. ' Jerry thought


Fate's pov,

I was looking at the wooden ceiling when I feel lightweight on my side pillow **Smile** Miss Kim was sleeping peacefully right beside me her head resting on the same pillow, and her left hand resting on my stomach. Wish it could last long I let a deep sigh 'what a day today was ' After all the things that happened from the park to the end, when we were at the park and she ran away from me I got terrified. The thought of I need to go after her was pooping in my head and I do as I thought I ran after not thinking about anything else and now she is here sleeping peacefully right beside me, holding me.

The thunderstorm always hurts my ears but with her presence around me, it's not that bad. I close my eyes 'everything will change tomorrow anyway.


The light snoring sound woke me up, Miss Kim was still sleeping holding me

**smile ** she's looking really beautiful, of course, she is looking beautiful because she is beautiful.

I stop my running thoughts 'we need to get out of here Miss Kim her leg needs proper treatment '

I tried to move away from her hold

Her deep slumber didn't break she was still sleeping I don't want to wake her up but I have to

"M--Miss Kim ?" I called her name

" Aghh Let me sleep Adierson " she groans turning to another side.

Seriously =_=" Miss Kim wake up we have to go" I shake her arm

"Gosh Adierson im up! Stop! " She wakes up looking like an angry kitten but still pretty

**Smile** "pardon Miss Kim but we need to find the way out of this wood come on "

"Can I, at last, wash my face !"

"Of course"


That's it a little more Miss Kim I think we already found the way " I said holding her hand

she said she can walk but still I don't want her to trip on the ground again and make the injury worse

After walking for a few more minutes we hear a  familiar voice  "MISS KIM! MISS FATE ?!"

It's Mr Wilson

"We ArE HERe !"

I watch Mr...Wilson coming towards us with people well a lot of people some of them are hotel workers and the others I guess the villagers and Amy and Joey with Jerry?

**Sigh** ' did they bring all the people? but at least we found them '

"They find us Adierson " Miss Kim  said looking at me

"yes they did let's go back, Miss "

"Before we go Adierson Thank You for taking care of me " 

I leave her hand and **Smile** "Miss Kim you don't have to it was my--'  "Baby?


"Jeremy!?"  Miss Kim mumbled in  confusion


A guy run to us and hugged Miss Kim in front of me 'what the freaking Hell he's doing !?'

"I'm so happy you're okay," he said holding Miss Kim

'Damm it! let her go already !'

'Relax Fate maybe they are friends Dont behave like a jealous girlfriend! '

"I'm okay Jeremy just my ankle '' Miss Kim pat his back signalling him to leave her as he let go"I'm sorry did I hurt you? '' he asked 'yes you did she is a pain because of you Now!'

"No, it's fine " 'NO! it's Not!!'

"Let's go you need medical help " he holds her waist

O_OHe is touching her!


He is touching her!

I watch them did he just take Miss Kim away from me?

' How dare he !'

"Fate! "


"Yeah! Adierson!!?"

my daydream broke by Jerry's yelling 'is she wanting to destroy my eardrums' **Hugs** "I'm glad your okay, I get so worried please don't do that again please "

**Sigh** "I'm sorry for making you worried, it won't happen again"

"Let's go back sista "

"Let's go, Joey "



                               ~ ~ ~


The Brando Hotel

11:00 Am,

"Thank you for the seeds Mr Hanson "

"It's okay Miss Adierson thank you for making Dinner though the food was delicious  "

**Smile** " it was nothing you don't need to thank me, Mr Wilson "

"FaTE !, Come we are getting late! GoodbyeMr Wilson " Jerry said waving her hands

" Well I will take my leave now Mr Wilson," I said Bowing

"Take care of yourself, Miss Fate "

"You too Mr Wilson "

I got on the bus Jerry sit beside me and Joey is in front of us "so.. are you going to tell me did anything happen or not ?"

**Sigh** " well I get my answers and I need to buy  groceries after we get back"

"Oh okay, then what are the answers ?"

" I should just back off "

"Huh! From what?"

"You know from what, I want some sleep now don't wake me up until we get back !"

Jerry scoffed " Fine granma "

I close my eyes and let the wind blows my face After we came back from our so-called adventure the idols go back to New Harrington  With Miss Kim a just packed my things and now we are leaving this place.

I know maybe when I first saw Jeremy with Miss Kim I got irritated but he just Showed me my place in her life.'He is her boyfriend and he or she'

Even if Miss Kim is my Dreamcatcher, we are not meant to be anything

Not  as in this world

not in this existence

Whatever occurs in that woods, after we get back to New Harrington everything will be just as same as before nothing will change and never will.

'I'm exhausted'