29 : No Strings

Jennie's Pov,

"What the Hell Jeremy!" I snapped pushing him. he backed away. His face was terrified.

"Babe I-..." Before he could say anything I interrupt him.

"What are you doing here? Do you know how foolish this is!. For God's sake, Jeremy there are reporters in this company !". I caress my temple. Seriously, people are giving me a headache today. First the reporters and their unprofessional questions, then my dad, and now this.

Jeremy stood still and mumbled again "Baby forgive me I just wanted to see you. I know I shouldn't have come here like this I just thought I'd surprise you."

I glared at him "there are better ways to surprise Jeremy than arriving at the workplace and kissing, it's ridiculous "

His gaze fell to the ground, "Forgive me." It's strange. Jeremy only looks away from my eyes when he hides something. He is hiding something.

"Jeremy, what happened?" I asked firmly.

"What - nothing, I was just missing you." He is lying.

Well, I won't insist when he doesn't want to say it. Now I have to deal with him first. I shook "Jeremy follow me" he did.

As we were leaving the trainee room a familiar fragrance came to my nostrils 'vanilla' but how could it be here? Don't think about all this now, Jennie

I take out my cell phone and called Amy. Jeremy needs to get out of here, no matter how much he loves me and all shits, but keeping him here would be the hugest misstep of all. It didn't take long for Amy to pick up the phone "hello?"

"Hurry come to the costume room" I cut the phone and looked back. Jeremy stood silently with his head down. Maybe I was too bitter.

"Jeremy?" He looked.

I moved toward him "Excuse me for my manner ".

He didn't say anything, held my hand. After a moment of silence, he asked "Jennie do you like someone else?".

The answer to this question is unknown to me. Do I like someone? I don't know who I like, but when the word someone was asked, I don't know why, but Fate's name appeared to mind first. I could not say no to him, I just shook my head.

"Really?" he asked in amazement. "Then why didn't you pick up my call? I know you were busy with work and kept up many times for the conference, but even in previous times you were busy you still had time for me, so why now?". He is desperate for answers.

Why did I keep avoiding him so much lately?

'Because you spend half your time with Fate'.

Fate, yes, I  was so enthralled with her that I forgot about my boyfriend.

But why was I spending so much time with her? because it feels so nice to have fun with her.

When she's at the house, my big empty house becomes a home.

Her taking care of me,

waiting for me at the dinner table,

cooking for me, sitting together to eat,

being  intimated of me,

Our Farina war,

Our movie nights, where I almost clinch onto her after being scared. She doesn't mind it though, moreover, she smooths my nerves.

all these somehow make her feel like my wedded mate.

Jeremy has been my boyfriend for almost two years. He always tells me he loves me, I'm beautiful, I'm perfect. But even then I could never see him more than a friend.

Yet with Adierson  I feel a tug unto. A tug that might even scare her.

The way she looks at me makes me so alive.

The way her whole body gets shivered under my touch, it's fascinating.

the way she obeys all my orders.such a good girl.

Touching her like a mysticism that runs through the whole body, I know she feels it too, her pounding heartbeat tells it all. her innocent face when she's flustered, like a lost puppy. The face that makes me want to devour her.

All in all, I seem to get further and more of these sensations. I know how hard I have to hold myself back from doing anything with her, and that I will regret it.

Thinking about my own words, only one thing looks like it is 'sexual frustration'. However, it's not about sexual frustration.

It's more like a temptation.

A temptation that I never felt toward Jeremy.

Fate, she is .. just.

You know what...

Fuck it!

"Jeremy loosen up we will spend our free weekends together"  I softly said.

"Really? So we will spend our weekends together ?" He asked hopefully

'oh god'

"Yes, I promise"  I ensures him. Im having a bad feeling about this

'Don't make vows you can't keep Jennie '

Oh come on it's not like something will happen then we won't spend our free weekends together.

He hugs me. Damm it's too late!

'wait he smells different?' strange as he pulled away I asked him "Jeremy where were you been?"

He was shooked scared. "I-...I w--with an f... friend".He shutters he is lying.

Getting caught red-handed but still fabricating. just spill the truth.

I guarantee if I asked Fate this question she would have spilled the truth. She can't lie well evidently, she can with my parents but not with me.

She never lies to me. just like a Loyal wife's material.

I smile at his gesture of lying " okay, I trust you".I don't.

The first rule of Hang Kim is Never to trust anyone, not even your family.

"Jennie?!" I heard Amy's voice.

"We're here," I told her. It didn't take long for Amy to arrive in the costume room. "Jeremy? What are you doing here?" Amy remarked to me "Jennie what is he doing here?".

I sighed " big story, in short, Take him, hide him in your office, and make sure no one takes his picture."

Amy looks more uncertain "you want me to babysit your boyfriend?"

I smirk "yes." 

She huff " Seriously, and they say a manager's job is easier than being an idol" she glances at Jeremy" hey! You like games right?"

Jeremy smiles "of course"

I grinned "see you two will have fun "

Amy glared at me " sure but what about you where are you going?"

"There are other things I have to deal with "

Leaving the company, I went through the parking lot where Mr Hanson standing outside the car. He opened the door for me with a little smile on his face which I return.

The car occurs driving towards my destination. The rain has begun to be heavy, I hope he has some good reason to contact me on such a rainy day. From Inside the car, I saw that there were not many people except vehicles on the road. I heard the sound of rain. Days like this remind me of the day I first felt jealousy. The memory of how Adierson and I spent time in a small cabin, and her story.

"young mistress?" Mr Hanson stood in front of the car door and called out. I didn't realize We arrived.

I got out of the car and Mr Hanson followed me. He presses the elevator button on the top floor. 'okay Jennie it's time to shine. To be honest, I don't remember the last time I met my father for any reason. I need a reason to meet my own Dad, on the other hand, it's good I don't have to meet him by myself.

I knocked on the door and entered without permission. Because no one is allowed to enter my father's office except me, not even Mr Hanson who spent his most of life working for us.

Maybe I'm fortunate.

There He is sitting on his cushioned chair with thick lens glasses that are covered with gold. Mother gave it to him as a gift, so he never separates it. but he doesn't know it was me who brought it. 'It's a secret '

The office is still the same as before, keeping files like a small library. "You're late, I'd be left the office soon," he told me without taking his eyes off the file on his wooden desk. such a workaholic.

I walked towards him and sat down on the chair in front of his desk "Because I had work, someone  forget there is a company that had a conference today, and being a CEO I have to deal with it ."

"Hmmm, a CEO whose decision is not accepted until I sign it."

"Yes, that's right how can I forget" his jaw clenched as he grip the file. I smrik

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and put the file on the desk "I didn't call you here to make fun of you". Right, he always said it before proving me wrong. I didn't say anything he continued "why you didn't accept the senior group proposal?". Straight to the point, so this is all about that damm proposal. Mr Metoa you are so dead after this. "Tell me, Jennie! Why you didn't expect it?"

"Cause I don't like did. Isn't that obvious "

He frowned I can see his anger but do I care? No. Never.

"I don't care about that I gave you one job just to sign the papers and now you're telling me you didn't follow my orders 'cause you don't like it!" He said raising his voice. That's right his pride gets hurt. Gosh, such an egoistic person you are Dad.

And people ask me why am I an egoistic ass what can explain? it is in my blood.

Seriously, if he thinks his rising voice can make me feel like a scary cat oh daddy you're so wrong. I get up from my seat "did you read their proposal?"

"Yes I did "

"And yet you think it should have been used ?"


I snort it's hilarious, it is "I think grandpa needs a new president because the old one doesn't even know how to deal with work" He raised an eyebrow" you need to read the other pages too especially the representations once, they're funny."

"Leave.'' He firmly ordered. I just put salt in his wounds talking about Granpa always makes him angry and nervous. Dad doesn't like Granpa the reason is unknown to me.

I shrugged and turn to leave "I'm leaving cause I'm bored I came here on a rainy night and thought you have something important but how generous of you to call me here so you can just prove me wrong. Seriously Dad try harder next time"

I push the door but he said something that prevent me from moving  " that girl. You two seem close, I wonder if it is because she is a PA or if something is going on. "

He dares to bring Adierson into this huh! "don't you dare to utter a word about her ". I said deadpan

"And don't you dare to cross the limit, Jennie."

I grit my teeth "I won't."

As I left the office my phone rang. "Hello?"

"I have good news and bad!" Amy stated from the other side of the call.

"Okay, tell me the bad one?"

"Jeremy wants to have dinner with you." Seriously, how can this be bad news? I roll my eyes as I enter the car.

"And the good one?" I ask again.

"The reporters are gone everything is done carefully, the only thing you have to do now has dinner with Jeremy. yet if you want me to tell him you can't it's fine "

"Tell him I can't."

"Okay!". She sounds happy.

I don't want to deal with anyone right now. I just wanna go home and have dinner with Adierson.

Thinking Adierson I didn't see her today after the morning guess she's still with Jerry.


10:55 PM,

When I reach my house the rain already have stopped. Mr Hanson bowed and said " Good Night Young Mistress." He turns to leave but I stopped him there is something I want to ask first "Mr Hanson, do you think I shouldn't have acted like that to Dad?"

He smiles warmly "Young Mistress, you're just like the 12th Master. " I stare at him. What does he mean by that? he chuckled "I mean, a kind-hearted person who acts before thinking and later realized what he did is wrong. And the answer to your question is yes you were but as the 12th Master is your Dad he knows you. So don't worry ". okay, now im more confused am I the only one in the Hang Kim family who knows how selfish my father is? Even Mr Hanson supports him.

"You're taking his side im feeling hurt."

He laughs lightly "Young Mistress im not taking anyone's side. One day you will understand the 12th Master, and why he always acts so harshly in front of everyone."

"Well, I doubt that but thank you. Good night Mr Hanson."

Opening the lock silence greeted me, Kaya is with Mom so... Yeah the house is empty without my baby but  Wired Adierson is also not home. The far as I know her working hour has been finished she's with her sisters. 'Hmm, maybe I should change my clothes first then would think about everything else '

Changing my clothes when I go to the leaving room I found her. Who's trying her best not to any sound her back is facing me so she doesn't know I can see her. "Adierson?".

She turns around. Her eyes met mine which seems to have sadness in them. I go close to her as she didn't move from her place. Something happened, but what?

Her clothes are different from the morning I don't remember her wearing this baby pink hoodie with black pants. " Fate?" I spoke gently not to scare her more than she already is.

She broke our stare and looks at the ground "Miss Kim."

"Where have you been?" I stood in front of her.

She moves backward " with a friend."

I raise an eyebrow "a friend?". She nods.

" a friend that you know for?"

She hums " I know her from my high school we just ran into each other today because of the rain my clothes get wet so I borrow her."

"Oh. " my voice was cold as ice but didn't seem to bother her. This new arrival of friends pissing me off right now.

Silence, I hate it right now. I have questions so many questions who is a friend? How close are they? Did they always borrow each other clothes when they were in high school?

"Miss Kim? " I heard her call.


She takes two-step closer to me invading my personal space, she smells like Jasmine. Damm it! I hate it right now! There is someone else fragment on her.

She takes her hand out. I look at her in confession "May I?" Even though her words were a request I can feel sadness in them . 'what happened to you Adierson? Just in the morning, we were good and right now she is behaving like a stranger!'

I let her take my hand, her soft gentle hands contesting with mine, I felt something placed on my palms, and peeking at it "Wedding Ring?" I glare at her. She just gave me back the wedding ring. The ring that I give to her.

Usually, my glare always works nevertheless, this time it didn't do anything Adierson just smiled, and she let go of my hands. For a sec I miss it.

"Thank you, what you for Joey today, and your wedding ring I'm sorry for not giving it back to you soon, silly me. But now we don't have any strings"






she just said it straight to my face!

I wanted to say something to her or at least be mad at her. yet, I didn't I just froze and watch her go to her room.

I grip the ring tighter, tighter enough to make my knuckles white 'you just give me back my ring after hoeing with someone! Adierson.fine I don't care either. ! '