33: Things Dont Go as We Want

Fate's POV,

"Are we there yet!"

"No we haven't arrived yet, and you need to stop asking that every ten minutes!" Joey nags Jerry. Funny to see the younger one scolding the elder one. But guess that's what you call a bond. I don't know which is worse, the bus ride for almost three hours or walking miles hearing  Jerry whine about if we have there yet.

Of course, I can't say anything to her because this walking is my fault, not really but Jerry blames it all on me, so yeah. When I left the house I forgot to take my phone with me. 

More reason why we are walking as Jerry Lee woke up with grumpy pants in the morning. And Joey throws water on her face telling her how late she made them She didn't pack her bags properly. Most importantly she forgets her purse! Thankfully we manage to get the bus with the money I had.


We are already in Geru Town now but as Miss Lee moved a little far away from town on the village side, so we have to walk more.

Though, it looks like we would get sunburns before we even set foot in the house. In the summer I swear it's not like I hate it. It's just my whole body even my t-shirt is draped in sweat!

Anyways the good sight is  I can enjoy the beauty of the village side of Geru town due to this hike. Obviously, for most people, it's nothing except sore feet and heatstroke, and when I say People it means the elder Lee. Jerry. although she also doesn't have any issues with walking. Still, she didn't get enough sleep. She's tired. 

Back to Miss Lee, chose to stay at the side of the village because Lee's family does not have to take care of the child centre now.  Since the Lee family is well-endowed and Miss Lee's school teacher, she has never had a crisis with wealth.

Regarding child care, the authorities have given the liberty to new administrators. Miss Lee doesn't mind because she can now relax without any worries. Of course, in some cases, she has to go to the child care centre because no matter how much other people take obligation, it once pertained to the Lee family.

The three of us keep walking together but a car-honking noise came from behind. At first, We choose to ignore it and keep moving forward like ourselves. But a call came from behind, "Hey! You three musketeers need a ride ?"

The familiar name and heavy but muffled voice forced the three of us to turn back together. The only person who called us Three Musketeers is Mr Haught.

A smile crafted to my face when I saw The man who once had a handsome complexion but with time, it faded now. Yet, his smile is still the same

"Officer Haught!"

Officer Haught came in our direction with a cheeky smile, "So you all remember but Miss Adierson, I'm not officer now. I am just a civil man"

"Right Haught uncle so can you drop us? Please " Jerry requested

"Do you think you have to say it again? Come on girls "

We went with him carrying bags over our shoulders. I sit down in the driver's seat and Jerry Joey is in the passenger. The car moved on the road to our destination, which was Miss Lee's house.

Through the window, I looked at the village path barriers where different crops were planted. The plants are still in the bud, so it's not easy to know what kind of plants they are. Most of them are planted by the farming people who live in this area of ​​the village. Sheep husbandry and farming are both their norms of living.

The agriculturalists get along well enough with Lee's and Miss Lee always shared her knowledge about soils with them. They all admire the Lee family remarkably. When I started living with the Lee family and during the summer holidays, Miss Lee and her husband would bring us all here to visit.

"So how are you Miss Adierson," Officer Haught asked.

'Life is over. I get married, divorced, get kissed and then broke and I am also burning in the sun. But still...'

"I'm good. Very".

Mr Haught smiled a little "You know Fate Miss Lee was very worried when the three of you wanted to go to another city. But now, seeing you glowing like this, it seems like the decision was right."

I also smiled at him "Mr Haught I appreciate what you have done for me."

"Oh, Fate it has nothing to be thankful for. Because the Lee family got a daughter".

Hearing the words gave me peace in my heart "I am also happy that I found people like you all".

At the time we reached the Lee House neighbourhood, it was almost evening. The daylight that was shining fiercely over us is now cool. In the far western sky, the sun is seen to set, a bizarre potion of crimson ruddy and orange.

Half an hour later we finally reach Lee's House. We get out of the car saying thanks to Mr Haught.  Even though we requested him to join us but he shrugged it off saying he will but not now.

" Finally, I'm home!" Jerry heartily said.

"It's we are home don't forget about us!" 

Jerry rolled her eyes "yeah whatever"

The Lee House is not too big nor too small, A two-story home that helps me to conceive memories. In front of the house is a narrow stone straight path with an old iron entrance in front.  the house is besieged by a lush grassland, and most of the trees in the grassroots are wildflowers.

At the back of the house, there are vegetable plants that are tended by Miss Lee. On one side of the house, there are various kinds of beautiful flowers and plants in the guise of the veranda and mixed rattan chairs inside.

Jerry opened the entrance and we step inside. Walked down the cobbled alley. I ring the doorbell. But we didn't get any answers

"What should we do now, it seems like mom is not here?"  Joey asked.

"Let's take a look at the backyard."

Going to the backyard we find her. She is watering the plants with her back to us

"Do you need some help with that ?" I asked. She turn around her face lit up a smile plastered on her lips. Miss Lee never lost her loveliness. A serious but wise personality. She is in her middle forties but she doesn't like to talk about her age according to her 'age is a number and you shouldn't babble about a beautiful woman's age

She turned off the water "Girls! "come here you three" she snuggled us together. did I mention how huggable she can be?

"Mom we miss you too but we stink"

She smiled a little "Oh, right" she put her hand on my head  "I'm glad you came, now hurry up and go take a shower  I'll cook something for you all"

"Ok ma'am," we cheer together.

Cooking with Miss Lee is always fun because I and Joey always get appreciated for our work and on the other hand. well...

"That's not how it did  Youngseo Jerry Lee! ". this would be ten times she gets teased by Miss Lee. Miss Lee can be very considerable about cooking.

"Agh! Aunt Lee this is how I always cut the vegetables!" Jerry whine.

I know I should feel bad for her yet   Joey and I both can't help but laugh at her. Evil us.

"You two stop laughing or I will cut you instead!" She glared at us showing her food-cutting knife and earning a tap on her shoulder from Miss Lee " right whatever first cut the vegies carefully"

"Fine!" She snorts. Miss Lee winks in our way and chuckle. 'God I miss this  .'

Miss Lee sat down with us after setting the oven and lowering the heat minor. "Then why are you so late?" She asked. We were talking about our journey to Lee House.

"Mom it's Jerry's fault we didn't get a carriage because she didn't carry the money" Joey answered.

I looked at Jerry she scoffed "says someone who throws water on my face!"

"I threw it because you weren't getting up."

Miss Lee and I watch this sweet and sour debate between two sisters silently but say nothing.

"Oh, so it's my fault that I didn't get sleep properly".

Okay now, this is going somewhere. The terrible thing about furious Jerry she ends up blurring out the truth.

Seeing Jerry being furious Miss Lee frowned an eyebrow "Why didn't you sleep, Jerry?"

'I'm having a bad feeling about this '

Before Jerry could explain why she didn't get enough sleep Joey let out "because she was having a dream where her girlfriend cheated on her"

Miss Lee's eyes went wide in amazement "Girlfriend?" She  glanced at Jerry who was now hiding her  face in her palm "I didn't know you were gay?"

"Aunt Lee I love her please don't tell me it's wrong to love because  she's a girl"

Miss Lee grinned, "Jerry, I'm happy you lay the first stone of love, but it's not right to be angry over a dream. I want you to talk to her when you return and bring her to our house too I also want to see the girl who stole my little Jerry's heart"

Jerry's eyes wetted slightly as she cuddled Miss Lee, "Don't you hate that the one I love is a girl?"

Miss Lee brushed her back gently, "Hey silly, there are 7 billion  people on this planet it's fortunate to find the person you love, why would I be angry with you?"

'Right. How difficult it to find them  in a world of greediness, it's a fortune to keep them too '

Jerry pulled out from  Miss Lee and implied her attention to us ' don't tell me she would...in every situation where Jerry gets sentimental she would..." Joey ran away leaving Oliver alone again,". Her eyes draft to me


no Jerry, not me I swear to God if she brings me into this

"Fate has found the first girl crush of her life."

For the sweet name of Jesus Christ!

Miss Lee gazed at us "Fate Joey is it true?"

"yes" we admit glaring at Jerry. guess what she's smirking. She is enjoying this.

'You are so dead after we are getting out of this situation Lee'

"That's very good Joey. you will talk to Oliver next time stop leaving the poor girl alone" Miss Lee ordered Joey now it's my turn "and Fate you talked to this girl?"

What should I say, I didn't just talk to her  Miss Lee, talking is something that everyone does Rather than talking I marry her!

I shook my head no way I am telling her this, I cleared my throat "Miss Lee, there's no use talking to her . she already has a boyfriend."

Even with a boyfriend she still kissed me!

"What?" She asked. Disappointment, I know I feel it too.

I have to divert her mind from my so-called crush topic otherwise they will dig deeper  "Miss Lee, I think dinner is ready. let's eat, I'm starving "

"Mee too" I look at joey who nods.

"Oh, okay then we will talk about this later"

Nope, we will not!

I won't let it happen!

We finished making dinner. I and Jerry carefully put the food on the table."Fate Can you bring the Curry?" Miss Lee asked holding the rice.

"Sure Miss Lee "

I take out the curry and place it on the table with the others but when we are about to sit down the doorbell rang. We three look at each other  " did you expect any visitors " Miss Lee inquired.

Yes, maybe I think it would probably be Mr Haught there's no way anyone would come here at 8 pm. In the village side, people don't come to visit each other for any reason

"I think it's Uncle Haught we request him to join us for dinner " Jerry explained.

"Oh, I will open the door then "

"It's fine Miss Lee you guys sit down  I will get it, " I said to her

As soon as the door opened, Oliver infiltrated scarcely like a storm. Wait? How  did she get in here  "Joey?"  Oliver called out.

She was so busy with Joey, that maybe she didn't notice that I was standing next to her still holding the door. Confused

"Sista did you c-..' Joey stop herself when her eyes found Oliver standing next to me " Oliver?" 

Oliver hurried and hugged her "thank God you're okay please don't run away like this I get scared"

Joey hesitated but caressed her back soothing  her "I won't go just calm down."


When I was about to close the door someone stopped from outside huh? Surprised.

I opened the door again and "Amy?"

"Hey Fate Joey is here isn't she"

"Yes, she's here, but how did you..—?"



Oh, a wonderful sight and situation we have here On the one hand two Lee sisters came here to get away from them. Nevertheless, destiny brings both of them together. Now that's what you called a family weekend.

To be ethical, Joey is fine. But Jerry's confusion makes me laugh. Her mind is still trying to process if she is seeing Amy otherwise she is dreaming again.

karma! she framed me in front of Miss Lee. And at this time Miss Lee won't falter to test Amy.

Anyway, Oh right the door. I was going to close it but again someone stopped it with a hand pressed opposite side. The customary aroma of lavender hit my nostril.

I open the door and "Seriously you got to be kidding me!"