42: Threads of fate

(10 years Earlier )

A thunderplumped strike along with the cries of the rainfall over the skin of the fragile form, crushing them down on the grass, their knees knock into the watery mud as she falls "p-please" whimpering faintly holding her harmed arm at a slow pace her sights gloomy by the excess blood loss.

waterdrops clinch onto her bare shoulders, quivering into the frosty soil her body lay motionless.

"Jennie!!" The 12th Master of the Hang Kim family Mr. Lucian Hang Kim runs in front of the massive gold layer entrance drenched in the downpour horror elating his eyes, core trembling with a known fear in his middle age manly features moistening with a sore throat

"Jennie?!" Voiced raise only to get a response, hands wrapped around his daughter lifting the motionless body

"Y-You will be okay Daddy is here" words tumbled

embracing the lass close to his firm chest, he runs not loitering any longer

"Mr. Hanson!" Shrieking his tone out of his lungs shrivel with the water cries

A man wearing his trim tuxedo run out of the mansion followed by a few other attendants and The female Mistress of the house

"Jennie!" Fear draped in the Mistress's voice, eyes wailed to see her husband "Lucian! We have to get her to the hospital " she spoke looking at the trim tuxedo man " Mr. Hanson, get the car. Now!"

Mr.Lucian gazed at his wife "E-Esther...s-she i-'

" I know Lucian we have to go " she dragged her husband from the skittish thoughts. the Master and his beloved leave the mansion holding their valuable daughter

The sounds of the car's engine blazing in the girl's ears give rise to her awareness but she doesn't want it, not like this. Her mind wants to leave, and go for the only person she ever meets. The person she once vowed to her life. Warm Tears dissolve from her closed eyelids at the thought of not keeping her words.

Soft pleas from her mother filled her memories making her feel regretful about hurting herself. Even though she wants to greet her mother and tell her to let her go just for one time .but her body is obstructing "Fate~" a name gasped from her tremoring lips. Soothing pain elect her veins alleging her nerves making dope in a doze of slumber

A cold breeze swamped through the vast windows allowing a chilly tint and an unpleasant coolness along with the girl's clothed body knotted her legs at the edge of the hospital bed. The thick mattress of the bed was comfier instead of sitting on bricks it gave a sluggish texture

It wasn't just the mattress that was comfortable rather than white dull color walls, different types of paintings, and various plants placed around the room just to calm her

"How selfish and manipulative you are Jennie!" Her father's bitter tone took her attention but she didn't answer. Her eyes stayed on her banged arm stroking it gently, to feel a tinge of pain

"Someone like you doesn't deserve to have anyone!" He didn't wait for any response, continuing his outrage, hours ago because of his daughter's foolish act he was scared still not showing any distress "you should feel lucky even after your behavior your parents are here with you!"

"I just wanted to see her. You promised I can go after I finish my studies" gazing at her father she faintly smiles

"No! You will not go!" Even though he didn't raise his voice, his calming tone was dripping with authority.

She looks at her arm, eyes glistening with tears

"Here " throwing a file on her lap "sign this " he ordered "You are going to Kim Entertainment as a trainee"

" b-but-

" I don't want to hear anything!"

"You're going to send me away?" she asks

"You deserve it! You deserve to be alone be stubborn not follow your parents. This is not what I wanted from my child!"

" why are you doing this Daddy?" she implores eyes staring at her father to find The man she always admired, who always supported her in everything, and now pushing her away Like she is nothing but a burden. Making her feel like she has committed a crime.

"Cause I don't want to see you become a fool " He squabbled

"Loving someone is not foolish" she answers. The urge of disagreeing was not something she usually does. Cause she always knew her Father would never say, do anything wrong.

" it is when you forgot your limit and the person" He scoffed " You can't be with a girl. It won't happen in our family"

" But I promised her." looking down at her arms she let out, her tone was on the edge

"Promised!'' He laughs " you think you can break our family's dignity because of your puppy love!"

Tears flow stringing pain rises but not by her gash. by the words in her soul;

The Innocent sense she ever felt looking after someone, wishes to make them happy forever, yearning to greet those optimistic sights every day, Being close to them, not her parents but someone she wanted to hold hands with. everything becomes puppy love. Is that what everyone thinks it is?

"And now crying? See this is what I was saying. it's Humiliating. You can't even take the truth and your thinking about spending life with someone who knows what she's been through"

Her hands squirmed fisting them until her knuckles hurt, biting her lips until the iron taste of blood hit her sense " give me the pen "

Her father frowned at the abrupt change dreadful eyes stare back at him . even though his heart was twinging seeing his daughter like this, looking at him with hatred. He wanted to tell her whatever he was doing was for the best. His fatherly heart wanted to embrace his delicate daughter and tell her 'it's okay, I'm here.

Yet, The Great Hang Kim family 12th master is helpless

Signing the document with her wounded hands she shoots it at her father "You get what you want, now Leave!''

Before he could leave his daughter's voice halted him "Dont worry I won't be a fool.." Bloodshot feline red Eyes swirl with anger, losing her temper "one day I will be everyone's dream. And people will know me as Jennie Hang Kim The Idol first, not Jennie Hang Kim Heir! "

" J- ' He stopped before calling, grabbing the file with his hands. He departed outside only to huddle by the nearest wall listing to the whimpers of his daughter. first time he breaks her heart only to keep his family's status, Eyes blinked not wanting to break down on the hospital-tiled floor

"Lucian?" A gentle warm hands place over his cold one

He looks at his beloved smile faintly "she hates me " he stated " so much Esther "

"It's okay " comforting hands wrapped around him, resting her head to listen to his clashing heart " you did it to keep her safe" words of solace wish to calm him

"Why? she has to suffer like us can't she just be a part of our family? Be with anyone she wants? "

"No!" A sharp tone answer

The pair look at the path to find the 11th Master of the Hang Kim family, Sir Elias Hang Kim standing in front with a disgusted face


Holding his hand out to shut his son he mentions him to follow

Mr.Lucian nod and glances at his beloved " Go to Jennie, she needs you. I will be back"

His beloved wife touched his cheek " We will be waiting "

As Mr. Lucian leaves to follow Sir Elias Hang Kim Mrs. Esther opens the door to find her daughter sobbing hugging her knees onto the mattress

Closing the door carefully she steps forward " Jennie." She called softly but no answer

Sighing she sits down on the bed not too close to her daughter "you know there is a proverb saying..." sensing her daughter is not paying attention but either stopping her she continues

"There is an invisible thread that connects us to meet the destined people of our life despite the time, event, and even the difficult circumstance. The thread only binds us to encounter with them.." She stops.

Few moments of hush her daughter lookup " l-Lies" ridiculing those words her daughter laid her back against the headboard

"Jennie, it's not a lie," she confessed offering her warm smile

"Oh really. Then why can't I see it?"

"Because we can't.." Mrs. Esther moves closer to her daughter " However, you can feel it. A bond that you can never negate..." Wrapping her arms around her daughter's cold form gently cares for her dark curls "maybe the thread can be tangled Or tightened but it can never be broken."

"And if they never meet again?"

"It means they weren't in your fate "

A calmness sheathe them, the unpleasant breeze displaced with a pleasant one

"Dad hates me "

"Jennie, What's on a person's face is not what's in their heart. Words can only be the dissolution of how you want to hear them "

"I just wanted to see if she's okay" The young lass uttered "for the past few days I feel like she's in pain. So much pain Mom! I -I j-

" It's okay Honey. She will be fine her parents won't let anything happen to her. They would protect her like us. So please don't do anything like that again " The pleading makes her stomach a pit of guilt

"I'm sorry" assuring words elect a humming from her mother.

The tender loving caress of her mother compels her eyes slowly shut putting her distressed body into a drugless slumber.

Soon snoozing rhythms were audible for The Mistress. After sleepless nights her daughter is finally asleep. carefully she laid her head on the soft pillow, allowing her to drop into the arms of Morpheus

At the same time in the director's office of the hospital, Sir Elias looks outside the glass windows "24 hours. It Only took 24 hours for your daughter to create a mess." His cold tone hissed " is that how you discipline your child!"

"She is still a kid. It won't happen again." Mr. Lucian answer taking his daughter's side

"But.." Sitting on his chair staring at his son " was all this for one Girl?" He asks with a hint of curiosity

"I told you it won't happen again. Please don't talk about this " Mr. Lucian's trying his best not to lose his rage

"Of course, it won't because I have found a perfect match for her. I don't want your daughter to get marry someone low class who doesn't fit in our family standards. Doing the same mistake that you did. I don't want to see it repeating " He taunted

"She is my wife, your daughter in law "

"She is not my daughter-in-law!" The 11th Master growled "I only accept your daughter because she is our bloodline. That girl Esther is just an orphan, she will never be allowed in my household, not even our family gatherings keep that in your mind!"

Mr. Lucian's jaw clutched " so you want to go control my daughter as you do to me?"

Those words provoke a fire in Sir Elias's endurance with his hasty action a stinging pain came across Mr.Lucian's cheek

"You dare to raise your voice at me don't forget everything you have is because I give it to you! That doesn't mean I can't take it back." He threatened" that woman she will never be a part of our family. And your daughter be thankful I'm giving her a chance "

"That woman is My Wife!" Mr. Lucian's voice ravaged the office with his asperity tone causing Sir Elise to make an effort of slapping him again.

But before his hand could reach up Mr.Lucian grab it " Don't you dare to bring her into this. my wife and my daughter stay away from them " his voice smeared with fury

"I don't have interest in them not until Jennie takes over our family responsibility, make sure she won't be on the headlines next time for some sick stunt ." Sir Elias rasped leaving Mr. Lucian alone

"Sir?" Mr. Hanson calls for the 12th Master who was in deep thought gazing at the door. What his father said those words were still looming in his mind

"Mr. Hanson what happened today in this office no one should know about this " He stated and walked outside

Mr. Hanson followed him nodding his head

" And never tell Jennie anything about what father said "

"Yes Master"

That day when the 12th Master of the Hang Kim family decides to make Jennie leave to be an Idol. she never forgets what her father told her. Neither, did she let it impact her motives the young lass who once cried grew into a confident strong persona

Little did he know a small part of care and love for her father of Jennie disappeared since then.



Jennie's POV

She is...



She is...



Enticing ' hmm, maybe.'

She is Interesting and cute mostly, cute when she tries her best to hide her smile while pretending to be asleep. Her dark hair stands hugging over her cheeks caressing her skin .except for this small pillow barrier between us I can see her face.

It's a quiet dawn apart from the chipping sound of the birds outside. A simple Sunday morning in the Lee house. Even though the sun has risen flickering its rays inside the room yet everyone is still in their slumber

And I...well I didn't sleep I was, for forty minutes until I heard the faint snoozing sound that woke up my curious mind, couldn't resist the urge of beholding the sight of peacefully sleeping, Miss Fate Adierson.

Thankfully she agreed about staying in the same bed I don't want her to sleep outside, it's her home afterall. However, stubborn Fate Adierson put a pillow between us according to her 'You can't hit on me while sleeping '

I mean okay I kiss her one time but it's not like I'm gonna do it again

'You will'

I won't! Stupid mind.

"You know it's rude to stare at people while they sleeping," she spoke with a hint of teasing, eyes are still closed. Maybe to shy to find me peering

" Hmm, same to you"

The corner of her lips upward a smile balled up " I wasn't starting" she defended. Liar

"Oh really?"

"Yes, "

"Then why you aren't looking at me? Too shy" I teased pocking her cheeks playfully causing her to groan

" I'm not shy!" With her closed eyes, she sulked pressuring her lips together

Stop doing that Fate Or I would do something we will regret. 'Not shy let's see if you can take it then'. clutching the pillow and sliding it away I move closer, resting my head on the same as her

"Are your remarks still the same"

Slowly her eyes greet mine her pupils delicate. Does she know even though she won't say anything her eyes only make me wonder if her little crush on me grew with more intense fondness?

Fate Adierson do you...

Her eyes went wide stared back at me "W-what are y-

" tell me."

Instead of answering me, she tried to move away which made me grin God I love it so much when she gets flustered

"Tell me Fate," I asked again gently brushing those hairs stands only to see her rosy cheeks, stroking it carefully my hand stated her warmth

She clutched her side and sought to scoot away from me before I could grab her rather than getting away from me she landed on her butt falling off the edge of the bedside "God! Damm it." She groans

I chuckled and sat up " You okay there? need my help"

She glared at me " I told you not to cross the border! This isn't fair"

Border? Oh right that pillow I pull it " You mean this "

" yes"

I throw it away " Jennie Hang Kim doesn't like boundaries you should know that"

She stood up and rolled her eyes " well if Jennie Whatever doesn't follow my rules then I'm not sharing my room with her "

Huh! Like it's happing. In your dreams Adierson. I don't follow rules I make them 'and then break them'

" Why You're so grumpy in the morning "

"Grumpy my ass" scowling she stare at me tilting her head to the side. Her hair flowed smoothly over her shoulders her eyes appraised me with reverence

I hate those dark plants summoned with friendly emotion 'care' they are enchanted yet deceitful keeping something that I should know, wanted to tell me something still cruel to express

A string of her dark iris tugs me to haunt my heart, Permitting me to mislead with my head. allowing her soft gazes to drink me up, they never make me nervous they gave me...somewhat, Pleasure. Knowing she only looks at me like that.

The only time when she looks at me with hatred is when I mock her about her nightmares. I'm not gonna do it again, Never. Breeze wind blows through the balcony into the room making her loose locks flow with them

Fortunately, she is away from the bed otherwise the thudding of my heart wouldn't be withheld. Even though she is not the right person still my heart only functions like this for her. Not for my boyfriend. Funny.

You give me this


How Dare you...

God, I hate you for it.

Then again, I adore it

I smile sweetly sensing she is still freezing in her place not going to move until I go, Pulling up the mattress " Let's go I'm gonna cook something for you today ". I order

But being stubborn " it's fine I c-

I gave her a serious look, she won't defy. She won't Dare "No. I said I will do it, follow."

"Fine J-Jennie " she rasped in her morning husky voice fuck the way my name rolled off her tongue, I shiver as ecstasy rippled through my veins in anticipation craving for more...

No, control Jennie.

You Shouldn't.

Friends, you're her friend.

The little voice in my head keeps growling at me alerting to hold it together

Maybe letting her call me by name wasn't a good decision.