44:Night Plans 

Fate's POV,  

After getting back from Geru Town the first following weekend was nothing but an endless workload circle not for me but for Jennie as well. Where the album launch announcement with the Velvet was a euphoria for the fans the disbanded news of The Flawless was a distress. During the first days when Jennie was busy in the company with her group rehearsal and album signing, Carol and I got to learn new food recipes for the cafeteria with a new helper Kral, Dina's cousin. 

In a series of props and points, I merely get a glimpse of the idol although we live under the same roof.

Nevertheless, In the second week with a fewer workload

Things changed...

For decent Jennie and I are getting better in our friend-ship, she smiles when we greet her in the corridors which is rare since she is always surrounded by trainers. She eats the food  I cook, skipping her special diet plan. Her eyes always find a way to watch whenever I become her chef cause according to her 'it's cute to see you struggle ' 


My struggle began when she declared those three magical words "I wanna help." 

Our Friday morning starts with a cooking session where she decides to accompany me, wearing her crewneck white t-shirt stitched black 'Calvin Klein' on the chest bridge, with her red border denim shorts leaving her legs bare. she pulls her hair back loosely in a bun to expose her neck, a few strands fall cascade down her  cheeks which I tenderly  tuck behind her ear so it won't bother her, averting our eyes make sure, not to invade her space nor get  too close than needed 

Howbeit That never works... 

Since we are 'friends' she leans forward to peek a small harmless kiss on my cheeks, resting one hand on my cheeks caressing them with affection  she says "Thanks." 

Her touches have changed similarly, they are more generous  and careful still inflicting the same warmth through my heart leaking shivers whenever she would do 'that'

with a smile, I muttered  "your welcome." Then step back it's always better to back away when I sense losing within her.

She gives an amused look ample of curiosity to know what 'we' are about to cook, deliberately her gaze  observing the ingredients 

Handing her a measuring cup and mentioning to the flour "Dump three and a half cups of flour into the bowl" I instructed and she begins 

"Sure."  Delicately being cautious with her moves she does her task of mixing the ingredients while I do mine, not in silence. 

The immediate delightful silence has been superseded by the topic of knowing more about each other. She never forces me to answer questions that I don't want, and for that I'm glad.

I did mention  my life has nothing special perhaps extraordinary like hers except being a small-town girl that wasn't a lie but those remarks, she shrugged them off only wording " trust me Fate, you're way more extraordinary than you can ever imagine ." 

Furthermore, we talk about her trainee life and how she met her boyfriend. That's a tedious topic for me. I still regret showing my fake enthusiasm for it.

Our conversation mostly came to a pause when the dough was ready and she pushed it into the oven. By this time I prepare the filling. Her eyes were gilt-edged, they never shy away to lurk on my movements just for a few seconds maybe then I hear it, a faint tapping sound.

Her steps move onward not in a hurry just enough to let me know she will do 'that' again. 

I glance at the mischievous smirk that arose In the corner of her lips she dips her fingers into the filling never quitting our eye gaze I dither to it, a little canny of my flushed expression she sucks it slightly, sigh at the sweetness "It's delicious " she moaned out.

I part my lips breathing out "y-y-you can't j-... d-don't do that." 

My stuttered utterance gains a teasing smile "do what?" She implored innocently 

Sighing in defeat I rolled my eyes "nothing", washing my hands I turn my attention back to the idol "let's move on." 

She let a small chuckle at my defeating gesture of submission I should feel bad about it seeing her teasing me with her behaviours 

However, I end up smiling likewise 

Because deep inside I don't mind it. 

On Saturday, a few things I make sure to do when Jennie is not home and keeping the poolside clean is one of them. 

Standing at the edge of the swimming pool, I cross my arms in front of my chest to watch the pellucid water sparkling in the sun's rays.

At times I do wonder if Jennie would ever change her mind since the idol only sees this place as a view to relax her mind she never usually swims into it, sadly. 


Jennie's voice compel me to face front her, her lips formed into a smile as she ambled toward me "I was looking for you."  

I resembled back trailing my graze on her " Now you found me " 

"Of course I did." She grinned 

The phantom touches her eyes quietly lull into the silence  

"Is everything okay?" I asked never damping my eyes from hers 

"Hmm, I just wanted us to eat together " 


"Oh really umm," I  step closer to her." and here I thought you miss your wifey." 

The corner of her mouth twitches up as she leans her head " wifey, huh?" 

"Yup," I answer teasingly."wifey ."  

I don't know if she remembers the term she used after getting drunk. It's been months since Jennie Hang Kim touched alcohol.

"Well, then you won't mind if your wifey do this." She replied 

Before I can recollect what she meant, her hands shove me backward instinct I reach to grab her but it was too late my body smashed into the water I shrieked before my body submerged. My head soaked I hold my breath resurfacing   

"I can't believe you just did that!" I hissed glaring at her and she smirked. she is cruelly enjoying this 

"What no wifey anymore?" 

"I'm leaving you!" I scoffed pretending to be hurt 

She chuckled lightly " you're not allowed to Ms Fate," extending her hand she bent down. " Forgive me  come now."

I bit back a smirk as an idea came into my head " you know it's bad to laugh at others," I drew clasping her wrist and she gave me a puzzled look. "Cause who knows you will be next." She raised her manicured eyebrow before she could break out of my hold I drag  her into the water with me 

Now the idol who was fully clothed one second ago is soaking wet, her hair clung to her face along with her shirt sticking to her shoulders, she shakes her head "you little manic." snapped those angry feline eyes. 

"Taste your own medicine," I taunt before splashing water on her face "What scared of water?" 

She runs her hands through her damp hair and a smirk appears on the corner of her lips

Ah huh

"You will pay for that Adierson." She growled and once splashed back. I leap away attempting to get away from her but she grabs my wrist and pulls me back. Her hot breath crashed against my ear shell. A betrayal of goosebumps cropped up at the back of my neck  " where do you think you are going My little Manic?" 


Did she just call me 'My! '

Oh Lord have mercy.

"I'm sorry", I gasp out, slowly turning into her arms. The water is quite deep for both of us.  " y-you got me." I swallow  

She smiles, hands gently enticing around my waist "yes," She whispers eyes flickering on my lips to draw near mine  "I can't believe you pulled me with you, braver aren't you?." 

"Yes," I retorted, her grip around my waist tightened. it's amusing how strong her hold could be even though she is a few inches shorter than me but when it comes to strength, she is hella strong.

Small water droplets ran down her cheeks to her jaw. I couldn't help but trail my fingers grazing on it gently. Her body quivered in response an audible whine almost escaped from the back of her throat. Maybe the water is too cold.  Her brunette hair seems to be darker in the sunlight, her pupil blown as I delicately stroke her scarlet-painted lips 

"Can you blame me, "I hushed innately my hands come to stop on her shoulders, and watch her gulp she didn't say anything nor remove her hands they firmly hold me in

Somehow we moved closer than before, I didn't realise it until I feel her breath feathers my face an uneasy hitch caught in my throat when I feel her palms adroitly arises up on my back to my spine thoroughly where various scars are stained, They're eagerly glided with smoothness trying to discern something. Were they trying to observe the scars? can she feel them with this thin fabric I'm wearing? My suspicion got a hint when  her movement curbed over my shoulder blade where the guiltiest  blade scar plagued 

She feels it. 

Her brows frown in confusion she parts her lips I know what is coming " How did y—'

Before she could ask I push her with the help of my hands, her body submerged under water while I swim away chuckling widely at the inappropriate curse words she had hurled at me " Fucking hell that was mean ya know!" 

When she reached the surface I was already out of the water. "That was karma," I hummed, shaking my head "come on we need to change, I'm freezing!" 

She gets out of the water and unbuttoned the first three bottoms of her maroon printed  shirt revealing her cleavage  the material tightly clings to her stomach 

I grounded myself staring a bit too long at her new exposed complexion skin retracing heaven's sculptured curves of her body to form the image in my mind forever as she came forward with her each stroll my breath shuddered to zip up my heart rate. 

She tilted her head, eyes balled to mine in amusement and brows cocked "what? " 

My eyes darted up and I cleared my throat "n-Nothing...see you later." I bolted toward my room 

"Okay?" She let a confused chuckle before going back to her room 

As Sunday came along with Jerry's atrocious issue of not seeing her 'girlfriend' for almost two weeks. For making it up to her later on  Joey and I chose to have lunch together outside in a small remote restaurant rather than in four wall-closed doors. The location of our table was perfect; close to the windows to have a perfect view of the streets, rays of sunshine poured through the glass windows onto our table keeping us warm and comfortable.

"Aah yes!" Jerry moaned as she eat her food 

"For Christ's Sake! Stop moaning in public, idiot it sounds disgusting!" Joey smacked her hand, we looked around the busy tables. She was right, someone was looking at us from the counter but not because of Jerry's inept sounds. "Wait, is that?" She implored

"Yes, it is ". I answer looking at the redhead who was talking to a young woman before glancing back at us. 

"What are you two looking at?" Jerry asked, therefore following our gaze "Great, my appetite just died." She grumbled  

"Guys let's just focus on our food and then get out here." Joey's suggested 

"Right", Jerry rolled her eyes at the idea." This can't get any worse." 

"Ahmm, it can," I reply, taking a side to peek behind her." she is coming over." 

"Swear I'm gonna kill her if she do something "  Jerry huffed promising 

Joey chuckled "yeah you do have weapons in here." She mentions the forks, we laughed finding Jerry again cursing under her breath 

The redhead approached us and flashed a pearly toothy smile at me " Hey Adierson"


"It's Hello to you Adierson is that a way to greet your senior." 

I stood up shortly to give a quick hug "Sorry Hermana Yeji I mean y-Yeji." 

"Girl you did learn," Yeji said in return for my hug, "but what about those  cute little curse words you use ?" She implores a wide grin smeared across her features as she sat  down at our table 

"Well, I—

" No, she didn't, " Jerry snorted, still not too fond of Yeji. 

Yet Yeji didn't bother by her glare rather then she smirk and stare back 

Yejilena McCarthy was a girl who once used to be the reason for my disappearance from classes, a tyrant who used to insult my isolated nature towards everyone but she never took it far it was always just words she used, statements she pass 'freak' an 'outsider' that she called still it was something I was used to so it never bothers me until in the gym class when her so-called 'followers'  were ready to rip my clothes to see what I hide from other and why it makes me different.

I still remember how Yeji entered the locker room looking at me on the floor struggling and whimpering in the hold of her friends frowning at the sight.

For a sec I did see the concern flash on her features which she mellowed by giving a glare to everyone. 

I do wonder if that day she was confused about why I was laid on the tiled floor with my less relevant almost torn clothes regardless she helped me and didn't ask anything about it or why my shoulders were bruised, we never talk about it not with anyone except Miss Lee and The Headmistress and those girls, the next day not only they got scolded by the headmistress for their behaviour but also get suspended. 

But still, as Jerry only knew the half-truth she punched Yeji in front of the headmistress almost breaking her nose. Both of them straddled each other to death. 

Thankfully before things got worse the teachers handled the matter and as punishment, Jerry got one week of homestay. 

And Yeji I got to know her better. She was always a senior who hid her sweetness behind her tyrant mask. Rather than mocking me, she was still a good person. 

"Alas, I almost forgot about your minion Adierson," Yeji mocked before eyeing Joey."Oh, Hola Joe Como estas?" She asked 

"Estoy bien, Hermana Lena, siempre es un placer verte," Joey answered politely  

Jerry with a scowling face grimaces at her dearest sister when she offers a  smile to our seatmate ."Oh, My chattering shit people can you stop with this Spanish si mama !" 

Both of them answer "Nope," 

"Fate!", Jerry whined sulking at me 

" Don't bring me into this." 

"Anyways girls mind if my girlfriend joins?" 

Jerry choked "g-girlfriend?"   

"quieres que lo escriba bebe" 

Honestly, that was unexpected since Yejilena McCarthy was always someone who hated being in relationships she was always a 'play type girl' 

"I swear McCarthy if you don't stop with your Spanish sito I'm gonna choke you" Jerry threats 

"Uh, quite kinky you are Lee hope your Boyfriend like that if you ever  get one " 

"You're a lesbian?" Joey implored  curiously siping her juice 

"Si, but it's quite rude to ask that in front of someone's face little Joe be careful next time, and yes I'm a Lesbian ", Yeji raised an eyebrow at us. "Any problem with that girls?" 

"No" we answer, eyeing each other cleared our throats awkwardly there wasn't a problem with her being a 'Lesbian' the fact was the two of them are dating girls and I'm also dealing with one girl so... 

She is not the only one 

"Hmm, is there anything you want to tell me ?" 

"Jerry got a girlfriend too," Joey said with a small smile  "and I...well dating one." 

Her statements got a wheezing laugh from our senior tyrant " oh how lovely but my who's that poor girl dealing with," she pointed at Jerry who was swallowing her mouthful of food. "that." 

"For your kind information, she is not dealing with me. We love each other." 

"Yeah right, a poor girl with Lee's sarcástico culo." 

Jerry huffed in the offence " God I hate you so much."  

"Don't be like that Lee trust me I'm happy for 

You al menos no morirás sin sexo ahora." 

"supongo que no mamá." Jerry nods. There was a hint of teasing in her tone. 


A feminine firm voice gently called out inflicting us to follow the owner, emerald hazel siren eyes cast our attention to dark brown hair neatly braided to their side. Trim  tailor suits covered their carved features, a ring worn on their manicured ring finger the same ring that's worn by Yeji too 

Couple rings

That means she is...

"Andra," Yeji beamed and stood up to hold her girlfriend." girls meet my girlfriend and fiancee Cassandra Dominguez." She introduced, her eyes sparked with adulation  

Cassandra gives us a kind smile before reaching out for a quick hug, we settle down together as the couples order dessert for us. 

The story of two strangers to friends and sweethearts getting into Marriage was something that was truly a match for the loving pair beside me. 

The fondness in Yeji's eyes whenever she looks at her fiancee while talking about their first encounter and the enthusiasm whenever Cassandra would pick up the topic of 'how I meet my disasters' was something to spend our evening with. 

At the end of our chitchat, there was one good thing and a bad thing that happened.

Good is Jerry and Yeji get along with each other's company without killing or yelling. 

Except for the bad which is as Cassandra mentioned she wanted a girl's night out to have some 'fun' they suggest going club 

Since Jerry wanted Amy's attention she heartily accepts it calling Amy when she is in the middle of a conference with reporters and threatening her about burnishing and being a bad girlfriend who doesn't give time to their relationship if she didn't show up at the club was seriously another level of face palming for me  

Sometimes I do feel bad for Amy as Yeji said ' a Poor girl dealing with Jerry's Sarcastic Ass'

"You know I'm not going," I answer as we walk down the street 

"Fate don't be too moody now it will be fun," Jerry said pulling my arm to hold on together 

"I'm not being Moody look I think you guys should go and for a reminder, the last time when I enter a club I get drugged married  someone and the next day ended up in a hotel room" 

She stops "dude it could get worse you should be glad you didn't end up naked in that room?" 

"Yeah right, thanks to remind me that's why I'm not going. Who knows this time I end up naked " 

Or worse 

"Okay look what if I stick with you," I look back at Jerry frowning." you're worried if you get drugged or drunk but you don't drink so the chances of you getting drunk are less and about the drugged thing we all are going I will make sure to stay by your side and I won't let anyone come near you." She assured giving me pleading  looks   to say yes 

"No." I start walking again followed by Joey excluding Jerry who is standing in the middle of the street 

"Fate Adierson!" Jerry ejaculated and we look behind  "  I'm not going home until you say yes!" She warned  

The people are already giving us looks. In this kind of situation I just wish Miss Lee to show up out of nowhere she is the only one who knows how to deal with Jerry's tantrums 

"Sista just say yes it will be fun," Joey said 


Okay, Fate it's just a club you go they dance you stay then get out when you can. It can't be that hard.   

"Fine," sighing heavily I glanced at Jerry who was now lopsided grinning " but if something goes wrong it will be your fault."

"Nothing will be wrong, stay positive." 

Jokes on you Jerry in my Life whenever I think about positivity the negative effects come along with unexpected actions.