46: Lure Collision 

Jennie's POV, 

"Are we there Kyle?" 

"Y-yes M-ma'am." 

That below-whisper struggling response didn't ease my nerves. I glance to my side at the path to the drunk individuals that are heaved in intemperance. 

Idiots, why do they get so drunk when they can't handle it?  

I was about to roll my eyes at them but the fragile figure between the two girls became familiar. The smooth raven curls that gush down the back came to be apparent to know who they belong to. My eyes slightly caught a glimpse, lips curled up into a smile as relief rinsed over to see Fate. 

Is she drunk? Yes.

It won't be hard to admit for a sec she got me shitless worried since she called. Grinning about how cute it would be to see the Fate Adierson boozer, I reached for the door handle but the next view made my smile fall. Gripping it tightly  I watched the girls saying bye to each other. It wasn't the problem 

That girl who was affectionately stroking Fate's  head and muttering something  to her that made her giggle in response was the problem She was  touching her 

 that look in her eyes that pure adoration…

It's  My to see 

Why is she looking at someone else am I not enough

'Because that's what she will do when she gets someone better than you. ' Someone cooed 

Better than Me! I scoffed at the thought an annoyance coiled in my senses 

I drove all the way stressing about all the bad things that could happen to her only hoping she is safe, fought with Jeremy, ruined our dinner, yelled at my driver to speed the Goddamn Car and she…

She is throwing herself into someone else's arms! 

'You're  selfish.' The voice snarled 

So what! 


I am selfish

So selfish… 

This is what Hang Kim is, all of us are Selfish for our possession. 

"Ma'am?" Kyle called, lowering his head. I waved my hands and ordered him to wait . my patience  shredded when she was about to enter the car 


Like Hell, I would let her go with someone

My heels clapped against the concrete and that seized her attention. She looked at me like a deer caught up in headlights frozen and afraid, fear I could taste on top of my tongue. Good, she knows what wrong she had done. She stepped backwards preparing to run to her best friend but before she could move  I clutch her hand impelling her to stumble and pull her close to me leaving her open-mouthed friends 

"Hey! You can't just take her with you!" Amy's girlfriend piped grievance 

Oh I Can 

And I will.

" Don't,"  I snapped back and kept walking. "Get inside and sit," I instructed, irking a huff as she flopped her body ."Put your seatbelt on." 

Drowsily she lifted her feeble hands to reach for the seatbelt at her side and gladly began to drift away her eyes flickered in their struggle to keep them open.

For the fifth time, her hands tried their best to grasp the strap to pull it across herself but her arms were wobbly so they  failed to do the simplest task she whined in frustration ." I-I can't d-do it!" She pouted domesticated like a toddler

Sighing tiresome I bent down into the car and grabbed the seatbelt at her side her breast brushed across my wrist as I leaned she opens her mouth to let a shuddering breath that tickled my cheeks her eyes broadened onto me I concentrated on securing her seatbelt she breathed deeply, in her stiffened position from the corner of my vision, I could feel her silently Inhaling my scent from the dark locks as her gaze bore into my back to waist 

Once With a click of the seat belt, it was locked into its place she arches her back and blinks from whatever bewildered she was in.

I retracted out of the car and went to the other side slamming the door shut "Drive." I ordered Kyel folding my arms over my chest and resting my head on the headrest glancing at Fate and founding her staring outside her side features looked relaxed which was enough to make me forget every emotion I felt before. 

After a malicious wait, what felt like an everlasting ride we reach my house  dismissing Kyel I went inside following the  girl who is strolling swaying  freely lilting an almost familiar melody to me pursuing the moonlight 

"Sugar rocks come following with waves of love…." She cooed  her half-close eyelids peeking over her shoulders to gaze at me 

"Rays blooms when the moon came down to see her" she turn around and continue to wander the front door 

"Close your eyes, she can kill you with her beauty…" Not bothering about unlocking the door she smacks it open ." waves of her linn order me to swim." 

"What am I going to do with you Fate?" I shook my head and glance at her with a smile 

She swipes around when her ears pick up my call her intoxicated feature flattened a rosy flush smeared over her cheeks her step stumble a bit as sauntered forward until she stood in front of me her hand instinctively reaching out to rest it on my shoulder whilst she steadied herself with my help. "Y-You are her, p-pretty!" She blurted out a smile graced on her succulent lips 

I bit back a smirk and rolled my eyes at the drunken open-mouthed cheesy talker "Oh really?" 

She bounced her head "dress pretty you pretty so pretty…" she sang along breathing into the fresh air maybe it did  make her a little sober but still alcohol doing a hard job in her mind 

"You're getting cheeky now." I scolded 

She shook her head dismissively slants waver backwards eyes peered down in awed " You pretty…but"

"But?" I raise an eyebrow a little  curious about this 'but' 

"She is prettier…" 

I chuckle "and who is she?" Imploring to  lean close 

"Lisa…" her giggles sting my irritation. " pretty Lisa" She continues her rambles in a trance of this whatever her name was." strong hand Lisa...soft lips Lisa… she said we can go for dinner and then we could have f-fun…"

My frown deepened with each word that left her mouth as an emotion swirled through my stomach with the bitterness filling my tongue hearing her talk about this 'Lisa' like she all mattered like it's the most delightful thing to spend time with her. I hate it

I hate how easily it could get crawling under my skin like a parasite making my blood boil and this tight repulsive plug in my chest, coiling my gut to its core. It only gets drastic how she mellowed her words for someone else other than me. 

My jaw clenched at the augur of them being close to each other. What could happen if I didn't show up? Would she kiss her? The thought is disgusting 

But it's natural, isn't it? People meet in clubs they hang out they like they hook up no not with Fate she is not for someone else not like them she is different she doesn't deserve them 

'Then she deserves you? You're selfish.' 

No matter how much I ignore that voice it only chimes the phrase of truth that I couldn't get rid of its pestering this suffocating feeling I know she is not in her right sense but I still want to push her away until she begs for forgiveness so cruel it would be for her, wouldn't it?

'You don't deserve her.' 

I saw her First! From the beginning. 

Suppressing a low grumble I closed my eyes to take a breath and held out my hand before she could chant further  "you're drunk Fate stop talking." 

Nevertheless, she ignore my threat " I said yes and then she–

" I said stop TALKING!!" My voice screeched into the empty hall room   

 Flinching back from my abrupt tone she squints her eyes the cunning smile on her lips drops " a-are y-you mad? I-i'm so sorry," She jerk her head weakly worrisome dwelled her words " d-don't be mad p-please" she pleads 

I pause to look at her the sound of the grandfather clock indicated it was midnight now I sighed and sauntered toward her  "I'm sorry if I scare you I'm not mad it's just..  late now," grasping her hand gently I smile " you should rest and…" brushing a few strands of her face I stroke her warm cheeks  ." you're not going for dinner with anyone " 

Not without My permission. 

She pursed her lips together "why?" 

"Because Lisa is a stranger," she pouted, wanting to argue. " but I'm not we can go for dinner " 

Blazing a toothy smile "yes! Me and you? " she urge her eyes shone 

"You and Me." 

A few peaceful moments I got for myself then  I got called by Ms drunken messy after putting on a loose shirt and shorts when I was about to plop onto my bed. Walking downstairs I found her waiting in smudged makeup drenching her clothes barefoot. Great, she just ruined my floor. " Why are you so…wet?" 

"It's h-hot"

"So?" I scan her from head to toe and she hasn't changed her clothes  "you took a shower with clothes on ?" She nodded." And now you can't take them off?" She nodded  again 

 Don't tell me I have to help her with…

"T-take it off Jennie" She demanded

Nervously stepping in front of her I reach up to open the front buttons, eyes filtering down to mine. I ordered her to close them so she couldn't see how much my hands were shaking. Just make it quick and get out of here I reminded myself. Her intoxicated scent lingers in my nostrils.

 Shrugging it off and holding my head high pulling off the last fabric she shivered when my fingers by a mere fluke grazed across her bare shoulders.  I could feel my heart jouncing in  my ears 

This is one of the worst ways to give yourself a heart attack 

The soaked material slipped off her delicate body, and the urge to trace my fingers over her soft blossom breasts feeling the heat of her skin under my palms devoured all the mouthful gasp that left her piquant lips I choked down all. "Finish!," piping high, I turn around to face the wall. " c-change your clothes now."

Over the silence, the only noise was her heavy breaths and the rustle of her sweatshirt 

"Jennie?" She husked, " I didn't move from my place." J-Jennie?" the slight plea was enough to make my knees weak 

"I think you should rest now. I'll be in my room if you need me." I quick my peace to get out of her room but a hand yanked 

"D-don't go,'' A groan rumbled from her chest  

I turned around to her eyes flickered with mischief." You're drunk Fate."  backing away from her I took a step back 

She shakes her head stepping closer causing me to move back "it hurts." 

Before I could process what 'hurt' her hand reached out and grabbed a handful of shirt collar impulses me close "w-want you," she mumble leaning closer to my lips ." so s-so much…i-it h-hurt ." 

"Don't d-do something you'll regret Fate." 

She didn't take it well since It was the faint scoff I received as a warning before my back flanged onto the nearest wall pain collision into the back of my head eyes flew open a violent tremor wracks down to my spin when I feel her cold hands inside my shirt reaching up onto my pulsing back caressing it Shoving my hands up over both of her shoulders to push her away I tried to change our positions but she sinks her nails into it "F-Ah-ugh!– 

Moaning out in pain I clutch her shoulders, heat rushing through my veins to see the raw craving of hunger in her eyes sprawling within her daze. I gulp the inferno solely ignites twitching breaths from me.

" p-please n-need you.." she solicits her fingers swiftly brushing my back as others reach up  threading  through my hair to cup the back of my head  as she parted her lips open  the intentions of fighting dried off when our lips meet closing my eyes I gripped her firmly one of my legs lift itself and clasped around her thigh to keep her close  



Her kisses were gentle and caring with the tenderness of each stroke of her lips once and twice but then her stance halted. opening my eyes  I watch her lean back and wait She didn't move nor open her eyes only inhaled wishing for me to kiss her back and I grant it 


Her mouth warmed up against mine as if it was the warm path of heaven in rigid Hell moving in harmonious sync to melt into each slip of her tongue sliding opposing the onslaught of demand to control. If only we could have kept more air in our lungs we would never be separated in need of breath 


"m-m-More.." She whimpers pressing her pelvis forward burning one single grinding instinct her nose moved to the left side of my neck in healing deeply crushing me further into the wall her hand slid down to grip my arse. The sensation of her freed chest rubbing innocently with mine provoked shock waves in unknown  places 


"s-Sweet…" Divulging her teeth to my jaw her canines scraped the surface of my skin dragging downward to my neck. 


A guttural moan rose from my throat sagging with the thick air when her open-mouth kisses caressed my larynx area moving side sucking it hard and taking a hold of its flesh She bit down roughly. closing her mouth she moans into the taste and draws in the impaled skin.

The hand on the back of my head trickles with softness on the scalps to massage roots gently. The influence prevailed so wonderfully to give it all.  

The second time when she bit down in the same place it wasn't pleasurable anymore it hurts like never-ending Hell "f-Fate! e-Enough."  

From the intense pressure of crying out in mercy when she didn't hear my plea yet continued her assault I reach my hands up from her shoulder to her hair "enough." She didn't listen to it either

I fist her hair, plucking her head back "ENOUGH!!" I growled, enacting a moan from the harsh grasp. 

Her pitch-black eyes darted at me tacitly with desires. She seemed so far away lost from the innocent girl I know. " Today is enough. go to sleep now." I order letting go of my hold and moving aside from the wall beside her bed.

 Nevertheless, the try was not ample. Eventually, my legs gave up falling into the mattress. Her luscious chuckle loomed behind me " d-Destiny..." 

Bemused by her I shift my back "f-Fate?." 

Did she call me Destiny or I'm hallucinating 

Her features soften "Jennie…" purring my name She continues to move forward her hand on both of my sides to astride up I tried to nudge my back onto the headboard but it was no use her hand quivered above my leg if she wants my permission to touch it looking down

I took her hand in mine and rested them over my thighs. She shifts in her position to settle more comfortably. 

Breath hitched in my throat when she subtly pushed one of her legs between mine and pressed her bottom harder against it. she is not wearing anything underneath the slick-coated burning flame between her legs moved forth harder in the source of relief moaning at the response my hand drifting from my side to grip her waist keeping it in place. "Behave." 

 She whines looking down at me in irritation, hands trailing up from my arm and shoulders to cup my cheek as she straddles my hips, shirking back her dazed greets mine.

Brushing her thumb over my lips, kissing the tip of my nose she rested her head against mine "M-more…". Leaning back dark pupils blown with enthusiasm and aching faintly, her lips gently press against the corner of my mouth

  Her butterfly kisses thunder my heart she sighed against my cheek resting  there for a while before letting a breathless laugh and  plumes of kisses along with my jaw I followed her movements inherently moving either side to give her more 


Gasping for air I prepared myself for another harsh bite when her tongue brushed onto my neck gently nipping at the throbbed skin where she had bitten before my pulse quickened. However, it never came  Her hand scope down and press on my chest right over my rapidly pounding heart 

There was a  pause in her movements until  her fingers ladle into my shirt covering flesh squirming under her touch a yelp tore out as she dragged her nails against the hard buds of my breast heat scurried on my neck she didn't move her head from my throat she smiles onto it 

"W-why D-Destiny?"


"What?" I mumbled back tilting my head to look at her. I heard it right this time She called me Destiny bringing  up my hands I tried to hold her but she stopped me before going further 

"Y-you lied…" she moved up, eyes glossed with tears "i-I w-waited!" Her voice raised fastening her grip on my arms she let her eyelids close tears doused her cheeks making my heart anguish 

"F-Fate I–

" No!" She didn't let me finish " yo-you never ca-came–

I open my mouth but she shushes me with a look of betrayal and grief " I suf-suffered all hoping y-you will come but you never…you forget me, " seizing my hand over the right chest she wailed out "all night I hoped you will take me o-out of th-there b-but yo-you…" her voice cracked lowering her head she rests it against my chest "H-He hu-hurt me…"


Those scars… 

My eyes went wide releasing those stained streaks on her back. Someone did it on purpose, clutching her back and pulling her close "who Fate? who did it ?'' I implore the answers to my belief to only abandon quiet sobs. 

Sustaining her cries  " Let it out," I caressed her back quivering in response she whimpered  " Your Destiny  got you," Her arms cradled my back " I'm right here and always will be," soothing her faint snores reach my ears placing her head on the pillow I watch her sleep peacefully 

'What do you do now, let her go ?' 

Let her go…

Not in this life but before that  I have to make things clear with Jeremy. Finally, Destiny has been blessed with her Fate and will do anything to erase all the pain she has ever been through. 

Hugging her I closed my eyes. Tomorrow will be our new beginning Mrs Fate Hang Kim.