48: Crony

When I reach the kitchen I placid seeing the food set on the table properly covered at least the Idol was kind enough to take care of the breakfast my appetite has gotten the better of me since the dream and the hangover is still causing headaches.

The scent of fresh coffee hits my nostrils taking a sip from the cup I moan at the strong taste roaming around the table I began to remove the covers of food finding stuffed waffles I put a mouth full to eat at a time utterly delicious Jennie did put hard work cooking them the side edges is little burn and the trash bin has confirmed how many attempts she has done to prepare them perfectly. I smile at the small gesture of trying.

That means we are on good terms, that's a relief.

"Glad to see you like them. " Jennie's voice rang into the kitchen tailed by faint taping I turn my attention to her when I see the fridge door open stealthily eyes lingers over her movements she was looking for something leaning down in the lower part black tight fitted leggings hugging her curves, those curves that I almost touched in my dream only if she wouldn't wake me up I would have—


Almost startled by the thought of getting caught red-handed eyes darted back to her "yeah,"

" You okay?" she implores steps sauntered  freeing her bun fingers stroke through smooth  hair

"yes," I nod

"Okay, " not sounding conversing, she stood in front of the table, her eyes wandering over the food to find the bowl of strawberries. When she found it She bring it to her lips and bit down on the fruit the juices ample in her mouth tracing her thumb across her lips she playfully swirled her tongue on her thumb before raising it to her mouth and sucking into it sigh slid at the taste

Breath quelled in my lungs, heart rout against my skull when she raised an eyebrow at me smirking, she chewed the fruit.

The strawberry in her mouth coerces my sanity to comprehend how it would taste on her tongue. An impulse she slowly sucked the fruit before pecking it darting her tongue around its juices ran down her chin. My mouth went dry, eyes fluttered shut endeavoring to chase the taste of her lips warm onto mine; soft dominating devouring a moan escaped from my lips with the vile scenario "Stop!!" I screamed before it could go further

"Damn it! Fate, what's wrong with you? Scared the shit out of me!" The Idol yelled placing one hand over her heart

I look at her dumbfounded she was there standing in front of the table holding a glass of juice no strawberry

So it was just all,

Imaginations are odds.

"Sorry, I was just… Sorry." I apologize

She cocked her head slightly frowning then sat down next to me crossing her legs "You sure you're okay? " Her hand reached up to my temple. "Is your head hurt?"

Her caring soft  tone made me whine even though I didn't mean to but it was true my head hurts and that dream still gave me flashbacks of unnecessary images

"I'm okay," I ensured taking grasping her hand she sighed maybe it was the headache   but today she seems to be more relaxed in my touch

"You know what, I'll just hire someone, " the idol stated, eyeing our clasped hand fingers

corresponding with my palm brushing gently. "You always stress too much. I don't want you to work."


She borrowed her hands back and gazed at me " because I don't want my wife to work". The last phrases were almost a whisper to me still dwelling on blooming optimism. " I mean you're my friend so… You don't need to." she corrects herself

Wish she didn't, for a second it felt right to hear 'wife' from her. 

It always did.

"It's fine Jennie, I like to do the housework anyway,"

"No, " she retained the spoon from my hand while taking a spoon of food. She held it to my lips, mentioning to 'open your mouth' and I did. " Fate," calling my name gently, she smiled as I chewed the food. "you have the most difficult task to do other than simple housework,"

Gulping down the food my brows wrinkled "and that is?" I inquired

She brings the spoon to my lips. I ingested it waiting patiently albeit she held our gaze. " Enduring Your wife's ass."

The food didn't even go down. choking badly coughing, my hands grabbed the water I swallowed it all in one glup. the humorous chuckles of the Idol loom in my flushed ears. "Be careful with your food," she scolded I glare at her

" You know what I'm leaving you after this," I let out

Her visage lightened "you're not allowed to Miss Fate.  Never."

I held my breath, Never did she mean it, was it time perhaps a fortune that the same girl who once gave me a list of rules saying I should clean the house never bother her never care for her and now here  she is

Silently as the Idol feeds me being in deep thought I was beheld by her neck the purplish marks with a small red tint around it on her jaw to the crook of her neck and the deep teeth dent on the sensitive skin they look painful but who cause them she didn't seem to bother by it, would it be her boyfriend, right no wonder last night she was angry I ruined their date where they were spending quality time

A pit of guilt build up in my stomach"I'm sorry," I mumbled looking down at my fingers

She paused and put down the spoon "What?"

"I'm sorry for ruining your date night"

A pageant of pause tumult breaths held the empty kitchen "you didn't ruin anything," she assured, moving her seat closer to mine, fingers grazing my wrist. " I was worried," brown eyes stared back she added. "Very worried, please don't do that again." why don't I feel happy to see her being concerned about me is it because she let her boyfriend touch her for  the first time  I saw marks on her skin it's repulsive to carry

Jealousy maybe.

"I won't."

Sighing, she handed me my cell phone. "Anyway, your sister called this morning and asked if you'd be willing to help her to get some groceries. She has an overworked agenda today ."

I glance down at my phone  thankfully it's working "you talk to Joey?"

"I did and I talked with your boss too."

my brows knitted in puzzlement "Miss Cane? You talk to her?"

Her lips grinned at my confusion she hummed casually "I  told her you won't be able to work today she asked me who I'm speaking with  like really  she didn't recognize my voice can you believe that?"

I ignored the small scowl on her face and rested my hand on the table. "And what did you say to her?"

Her shoulders shrugged.  "I said I'm your friend but I think she misunderstood the friend thing."

"What do you mean? "

Crossing her arms over her torso she leans back against her seat. " She thinks I'm your beloved which I don't mind but  she seems to be more curious about her employee's life, "

I drank down her words and let my mind process them for a while before lowering my face into my hands, to cover my eyes the next time Miss Cane will see me I have to deal with her questions and teasing. "yeah, she always takes care of us,"

"I figured."

Before leaving the Kim House I gave Joey a call to promise her about bringing groceries. Jennie was looking through the stacks of papers reading some documents downright in the living room. I didn't peer down at them but they looked like the agreement we signed. She smiles faintly when I say bye to her. " Don't be late," she ordered sliding down  her reading glasses

I motion to salute "yes ma'am." earning a small chuckle on her weary features. Seeing a black Mercedes on the facade of the house I glimpse at Mr. Patrick he was talking to the person who was inside the car he bid me a smile when our eyes met I nod my head and waved my hands for the past months of staying in Kim House I've learned Mr. Patrick is way more resolute when it comes to his job and the idol's protection.

Scrolling through the list that Joey sent I read all the needed items eyeing the aisle carefully so as not to miss anything.

"Excuse me, Can I— Fate!" An acute-manly voice pitched high my name

I look back, eyes slightly wide, falling upon to meet the familiar black ones "Taeyun!"

His cheeks slightly flushed as he grinned, branching out his arms. I look down at my reusable bags "kinda packed you see."

He chuckled and helped with my bags, placing them into his shopping cart before giving me an open-arm warm hug. " It's you, " he said, removing his locked arms and caressing my head. " Come on, let me help you with those." mentioning the bags we both help each other in shopping where I assist him with his list he pushed the cart for me

Candidly, some people are jouissance to spend time with and Taeyun San Wang is one of them. The boy who once used to be dimwitted, merrier, and never serious about anything but prone to food in my high school is now a beloved handsome man. 

Retaining about our first meeting; I remember those days when Jerry used to have handball practices for hours and to pass my time rather than getting hit  I choose to sit on the campus to wait for her it was much better

Until one day  I got hit by a ball the impact was harsh and a little agonizing for a few seconds and then everything started to get blurred as blood oozed down my eyebrows with that everything went  black I fainted 

Still, in my half-conscious self I heard screams, yelling in someone's arms engulfing me to pull me close to the rushing beats of a heart at first I thought it was  Jerry but in the nurse's office when  the bright lights stick my vision I groan to cover them nevertheless it was no use a hand was wrapped around mine clinching to each other, pair of black eyes and a cunning smile admired my bewilderment

To see the high school soccer team captain helping me was bizarre but when he explained how he is the reason behind my injury he got a hard push from me falling from the stool down on the floor he let a playful wail and further define himself because of me he  almost broke his back in running within the crowded  halls

It was funny to hear the high school captain running for his life holding a passed-out girl in his arms tripping upon his feet and the open-mouthed expression of the students and the nurse who scolded him for hours. That small conversation was only the beginning of earning a friendship

Taeyun was always a good friend of mine Jerry used to say we're soulmates cause we spent most of our time together but I never think of him other than a friend maybe that's why when at the school field before our summer break our goodbyes to our close friends when he asked me "Will you be my girlfriend Fate?" it wasn't playful anymore he was serious

The pain in his eyes and his solvent smile almost made my heart feel a scintilla of regret for  saying "No, I Can't."

And for the worse without giving him an explanation I choose the most ridiculous thing I ran away from him he did call

Call no he yelled my name with hopes

Hopes are painful. 

And expectations are just as distressed.

Now, when I think about those words echoing in my head I learn how scared I was to be in relationships with anyone. There's always a fear of what if he is like my father in any way but as I grew up abiding by how unfair it was I do feel sorry for my behavior.

"You know I could just carry them you don't have to hold them," I said he let out a breathless laugh as we get out of the store

"Oh, don't be ridiculous Fate a true gentleman never let his dearest work." he proudly states looking down at me his staggering height always made me small in front of him

I rolled my eyes following him toward his car since he hadn't eaten breakfast and it was almost lunchtime. He suggested we could eat at the nearest restaurant.

Taeyun told me how he ended up in New Harrington and that maybe he'll be here for a long time now it was kinda awkward for me to ask him about how he has been after our last conversation in high school but the awkward guilt fades when he said "You don't have to think about our past we were just teenagers it's not a big deal." and  about his reason behind coming into New Harrington

"My boyfriend is a legal advisor that's why we settle in here." he stroked his shaved chin my eyes went wide


"Your boyfriend?" I asked again he nod chewing his bottom lips in anticipation it's one of his habits whenever his nervous

"Do you find it weird?" he implored mumbling under his breath eyes  glued to mine

"No," I smiled, resting my hand over his. "I'm happy for you, "I assured

His thin lined plum lips tugged up into a smile showing his dimples. " You're probably the first person who is happy for me."

My brows frown " what about your Dad?"

He halted his movements gazing outside the sun-gleaming streets, a tense topic; Teayun's mother died giving birth to him, therefore his father he…

He was no better than mine when it comes to showing affection or acceptance toward his son still Taeyun never let anyone know the outrages he receives. He always has a quixotic positiveness toward life.

The more it makes us as Jerry once said soulmates but in another way with the tiniest difference, his father only used to yell at him while mine, well never mind.  

"He hasn't spoken with me since I came out to him," He shrugged, eating quietly. " and am glad he didn't. Being with someone who loves you is more beautiful than being in a controllable cell".

"True, but next time I want to meet your boyfriend too."

He grinned. " sure."

We talked a bit more about his chef's degree and  his plans about  opening a small barista I wanted to ask if he need any help but our phones vibrated at the same time I took out my cell phone from my bag a smile coated my lips as Jennie's name showed on the screen

"Boyfriend?" Teayun queried asquint my cell phone

I shook my head "No really", pointing at his phone "Boyfriend?" I inquire a red tint raised on his ample cheeks

"yup, gotta take this." he excused himself. I nodded and answered Jennie's call.

"Fate?" Her honey voice soothed my ears

"Yes, Lady Boss."

A small laugh greeted my soul. "Did you eat lunch?"

"Yes." I answer by looking down at my empty plate." did you?"

"No, I was about to cook kimchi rice. Do you want me to save it for you?"

"Yes! please."

"You got it, anyway when are you coming back?" She asked a trace of emotion quivering with it that I couldn't name.

"I'm back. " Taeyun announced his presence I motions him  to shut he chuckled and made a zip lock gesture pursuing his lips that me giggle

"Yah! Fate I'm still on the call, answer me first stop with that giggling shit it's annoying!" Jennie yell her voice

screeched through my cell phone Taeyun gave me a look

"Gosh, who is that ?" he asked I pointed my index fingers at my lips to shush him he rolled his eyes

"I swear if you—

"yes! yes,  I'm just  with my high school friend."

"Friend but we are dating !" Taeyun shouted it was enough loud for Jennie to hear it 

"Was that a guy? You're with a guy and you're dating him come back home Now! " she order I could see the fire burning the Kim house right before me no way I'm going there to die

"Taeyun please will you." I grimace at him he sulked and huffs.

As Taeyun gave me a halcyon moment I dare to take the call back to  my ears

"Jennie, calm down, he was just  kidding."

No answer.

"Jennie?" I call her name gently

"It didn't seem like he was." a taunted voice answered calmly

This type of calmness always came before the storm.

I sighed "he was and I will come back after dinner with Jerry  you know Joey will be tired  to cook so yeah."

she hummed "Okay, this friend will he be there too?"

I looked at Taeyun idly sitting  and looking down at his phone ." no, it'll be just me and the sisters."

" Fine."

" Take c—

She hang up on me

Taeyun offered to give me a ride. Eventually, I said yes.  Parking his car in the lot we carried the bags together the elevator was not working due to maintenance we took the stairs.  I open the door and find Joey sitting on the floor tad of pencils and scrambled pages wrapped on the small table.  I cleared my throat

Joey leaped up from her place when her eyes fall onto Taeyun beside  me "Yun Oppa! " she hugged him

He has been her devout model when Joey used to practice her sketches and look for inspiration he would pose for her he was always a perfect face with a small forehead naturally curly short hair fair skin pair of round black orbs pointy nose and a small chin.

He eyed me with a knowing look that says 'I'm her favorite see.'

I shook my head. 'You're not.'

Taeyun was the one who broke off the hug because of the daggering stare Jerry was shooting at us from the couch." welcome home peaches. "

"aww, you flattered my heart Bee. "

"You're staying for dinner right oppa?" Joey implores Taeyun, who looked at me as for asking permission to stay I pledge to say No

"Of course, he is   Come on Taeyun, let's catch up a bit ." Jerry took a hold of the bags he was holding. He again looks at me then back at Lee's sisters

"Sure," He replied

They grinned at each other I smile seeing them chuffed.

"But I have to make a call first." He added

"To who?" Jerry asked

Taeyun eyed me before declaring the information  " To my boyfriend."

"Your What!"

Both of the sisters exclaimed one is Indubitably shocked and the other one still trying to get the words dropping her jaw

Happy reunion to Wang with Lee I guess.