52: Me&You


Honestly, I didn't expect much when the Idol my wife declared we are going for a little shopping but seeing piles of branded clothes is not something I wanted

The way she's just grabbing things like she owns them makes me wonder if she'll end up buying the whole store afterall spending four hours a whole four hours worth of shopping spoiling me as much as she can is a way for her to be happy and I adore it seeing her pleasing being obedient am just trying every clothes she'd ask to ware.

"Here," She said holding a new dress tip-toeing happily ."Try this," she order I sighed glimpsing at the velvety material it looks expensive but she doesn't seem to mind it I look down at the shirt  I was wearing no idea how many clothes I just tried in this evening

"Love," I called, grasping the dress from her hands she grinned, feline eyes cherished how am I supposed to say No if she keeps looking at me like that giving almost puppy eyes every time." Ok.'' and just like that I accept it

I need to learn to say No to her I can't just always let her do things that only meant to waste money

Inside the fitting room mirror, I vestige my eyes over the reflection. There's no lie to admit when it comes to clothes whatever the Idol chooses is perfect and elegant. The devil-fitted red ruching dress makes me look bolder, my fingers roamed over the silky fabric smoothly nearly off-limits to be touched. If this wasn't for Jennie I'd have never worn them.

Sighing a deep breath I open the door only to get awed to find my wife resting her back against the seat tilting her head slightly with closed eyes snoozing shopping can be tiresome and for her, I'm surprised how can she still have that energy after doing all the work since morning but now maybe Ms. Meanie Cat is sleepy.

Letting the smile that was around the corner on my lips I stood in front of her, hands reaching to brush the locks from her eyes with a small peck as if it was a cue brown eyes met mine delicate lips perched up fingers gently brushed against my jaw. "You look so pretty, " she remarked 

I rolled my eyes and retained. "And your such a flirt, "

The cheeky grin on her lips simmered as she stood up. "Only for my wife, " earning a breathy chuckle from me her eyes voyage the dress that hugged every inch of my curves I don't know either I  have an attractive body to be fair being tall with natural curves and perky breasts scars on my back I never think of it most desirable but seeing her leering is rather entrancing as if am not even a human and she's not The Jennie Hang Kim the prettiest woman who can make anyone envious of her beauty.

Curiously tilting my head. " Don't  you think it's  too short, " I inquire glancing down at my mid-thigh dress 

She breathed heavily holding our gaze pupils dedicated with affection. "You can wear it as nightwear if you like, " with a slight hope she advise before I could say anything, her greedy hands reached out to caress my bare shoulders. Tingles surge through my veins as they stop over my thumping chest leaning close to my ears she exhaled. "Or I could tear it down, " lips teased against my ear lobes. "Right now,"

My heart almost skipped its beat, cheeks glowed red as she pulled back with an innocent smile. "What do you say? " words breathed onto my skin, hands slid down to my waist and soon I quivered a breath when a kiss leaped to my neck sedating the flesh with gentle pecks. Her hands didn't go further, waiting for an approval

"Jennie, " I gasped, seizing her arms. She looked dazed from my attempt. "We'd go home". Walking past her I get inside the changing room ignoring her pouting face. The skin burned where she kissed, brushing it gently. I grin still feeling her warm lips.

As we reach the Kim House I take out the bags of clothes Jennie helps me with them. "Do you think we should get more next time? " She asked opening the door for me.

I shrugged. "No, people would think I robbed a bank if they saw me in Gucci Chanel every day, "

"You can just say your wife get them for you, " She implies carrying the bags from me as I slouch onto the couch

"And what I'll say if they ask since when I get married " I inquired

"You can say your lover gave it to you though. " Her voice derives from upstairs

Lover, They'd be more shocked than marriage to know I have one

"Don't tell me you're ashamed of people to know you're taken! " The sudden change of mood caused me to turn my attention back to the Idol who was waiting in front of me to deny before her tolerance slip

"Of course not Jennie, never, I just don't want anyone to get suspicious, no one knows about us, we've kept it a secret. "

Her eyes softened releasing what I said was true she sighed. "I'm sorry I just—, " she took a seat next to me. "I can't afford to lose you. "fidgeting with her  finger she muttered  under her breath

Me Neither. 

I kneel in front of her grasping her hands with mine our eyes meet."That'll never happen, " maybe the assurance wasn't enough she still looked to be in deep thought.  Placing a kiss over her fingertips I smile. "We're together and always will be. "

Jennie smiles faintly, a smile that's still unsure. " I know. Let's go eat something I'm hungry," she said, changing the topic for now.

I nodded standing up. "I'll cook for us, " before she could argue I left for the kitchen. 

Since Jennie'd be busy for the next week, I took my day off. On Wednesday morning I went for a walk with Kaya while the baby boy was back in the house.

I do have fun playing with him. My wife glances at both of us as we look awful covered in dirt, clothes damped. The impact of the battle that we have a few moments ago was a disaster. Playing with water while watering the plants is not a good idea but it wasn't me who started it. "Seriously Fate? " that's all she said in disappointment but it was not a big deal since taking my side Kaya barked at his owner not liking the fact I'm getting scolded

We are friends after all.

Biting down my inner cheeks I kept the sad look on my face as she narrowed her eyes before letting out a soft giggle. "Fine, I won't say anything now, go take a shower, " she orders lifting Kaya and caressing his fur. "And You need a shower too, Mister. "

In the Evening while Kaya was sleeping in the other room after eating and Jennie was busy doing some calls I spend more than one hour watching The Flawless's dance practice videos only for one reason Jennie, of course, The Swings of Moves glitz waltzing with the music eyes of Mischief was my source of adoration she looks so scintillating perhaps it's just me who thinks that

"Well Hello there, "along with her voice a smile attain my lips leaning down she cuddled up. "What are you watching Honey? "


I shook my head and glanced toward the screen. "The practice video. You're an amazing dancer. I love it. "

A Finger trailed my jaw to make me look at her, a smirk curled to her mouth, a devilish one. "Is that so? " she drawls I nodded sharp digits gently immersing my chin. "Should I give you a live show then? " she asked flickering her eyes to my lips

"Will you? " I breathed pulling her close

"Only if you ask nicely. " she smiled stroking my cheeks

"Please, "

In a swift motion, she placed her legs on either side of me to straddle my hips. I staggered agape at her actions. "Well now, " craning her head she leaned. "There's a rule, " Her hands glide from my shoulders until they find my wrist resting on her waist. "Hands should know how to behave. " I nodded, pulling them back to let them fall to my side. "Remember you can watch but no touching, " her lips curled to a smile. "But if you behave well there'll be a reward. "

"A reward, " my voice picked up interest. She tilted her head intuitively admiring my eagerness.

Without answering she stop the video, a song played in the background her one arm wrapped around my neck another clutched to my blouse collar giving me time to touch her when I didn't move my hands they were dead in their tracks she yanked me up pressing to her chest I whimpered knowing she's wearing nothing underneath but the t-shirt.

Slanting to my ears she whispered. "Let's see how much it takes, ". Core clenched hearing her words she tilted my chin to lay hest kiss on the carotids pulse below the angle of my jaw feeling the rhythmic beats.

Stifling back in my position I squinted my eyes feeling her sucking the flesh I groan in pain then again to soothe the sting of the skin she sloshed her tongue on either side of my neck

This is not a dance show but do I care? With a slight thought, I open my mouth and move my hands to stop her but through one single grind on my hips a moan slips off past my lips throwing back my head I clutched her waist. She pulled back tracing her hands on my exposed collarbone. "You lose Darling, " she rasped pleased by my action

I fluttered my eyes open with ragged breaths. I swallowed God I want More brown eyes gazing down at me prurience onerous in them her thumb pressed against my bottom lips. "Do you know how pretty you look right now, " I shook my head, still grasping her waist. She didn't seem to care about it anymore. "Fuck it then, " Before I could move she grabbed my chin and kissed clasping our tongues together feverishly

"Ah, " A moan swooned into the thin air as she sucked my bottom lips with a plop. " Do you know what you've done to me Fate? "

"en-enlighten me"

"Oh, with pleasure Sweetheart. " She reaches down to the hem of her shirt to pull it up the fair skin of her abdomen visible blessing to my eyes fingers ached to run over the tender skin just a little more and I C—


The doorbell ring

"Someone better be dying! " She said tartly glaring at the front door even I felt a surge of anger. Someone indeed had a better reason to ruin my chance. Turning her attention back to me she stroked my cheek. "Maybe another time, " I nodded as she got up from my lap giving me another peck I blushed, fixing my scramble clothes a little I ricocheted to open the door.

As soon as I open the door the four Idols stare at me smirking they stare at my neck probably Jennie had given some of her imprints there every time she makes sure to do it whenever we get intimate and I'm so used to it now I don't bother to hide not when I'm home. Ruth  as usual gives me a hug I return with a smile and ask them to come in

"I think we come in the  wrong time, " Hana said giving a side eye to my wife who was sitting across the couch crossing her arms with an adorable peevishness

"Oh, you think! "Jennie grimaced  from Leaving the room

I ignore their antics. "of course not come please sit, "

"So what are we having for Dinner? " Lily asked, plopping herself on the couch beside Jennie, the same couch where a few minutes ago we were having some quality time. 

"Well I was about to cook something so—

"Cook something, it seemed like you guys were planning to eat something other than food ." Hana quipped for that she receive a deathly glare. "Perhaps each other! "

"Fate!" The abrupt call from Mina caused us to peer at the front door,  smiling she was ready to hug me but before she could wrap her arms I remember something, and with a harsh impulse I pushed her away she fell on the couch on her butt pretty hard."Oww, What the hell was that for?" She whined

I look at Jennie the last time when I let Mina hug me The Idol was angry crying and her emotional outcome I'm not ready to deal with it again. She winks playfully which meant I did the right thing

It didn't go overlooked by Hana." Aha! Guess we know who wears pants in this relationship." She announced

Pants? I glance down at my trousers and then at Jennie's shorts aren't we both wearing pants? What was that supposed to mean

Seeing my bewilderment everyone chuckled Hana starts wheezing holding her stomach

Jennie chuckled lightly." Girls you can sit, we were gonna cook something," she stood up and looked at me ." Baby let's go ." She held her hand out. I took it and went toward the kitchen.

While eating dinner together with the girls the announcement of Mina going out on a date with Lily didn't slide down since Hana brought up the topic with so much interest the blushing face of Mina was undoubtedly precious but seeing Lily hide her face was cutest.

"Guys we need to prepare for the interview at the radio station with The Velvets remember," Ruth spoke

"I know after this mostly our disbanded news will be top in headlines." Hana rested her hand on the table ." My Dad said there's a songwriter who wants to work with me ."

"Well Lucky for you my Mom wants me to get some rest it's been 7 years since I didn't meet my parents," Ruth  mumbled

Being an Idol is not that easy I wonder how much time ever Jennie spent away from her family because all they have to do is work for the company once you get the contract they'll make sure you fulfill their conditions and do everything they asked and the sacrifices it's like blood and tears to stand in the place of the top where the group is now.

"I'll probably go for a vacation," Mina said, peeking at Lily, smiling ." With my crush."  

"Lovebirds. " Hana said. "How about you Jennie ?" she inquired

For a moment Jennie stay quiet she's not the CEO of Kim Entertainment the ownership is still in Mr.Kim's hand and her being the Hang Kim Family Heir is still unknown by the media I really don't want to know what'll happen once the news came out and about Us what'll happen to us if her father know about our marriage

"Fate?" A hand squeezed gently mine I look up to find Jennie with an assuring smile ." You okay?" She implores

Not really just worried about us.

"Yeah, I'm " 

She kissed the back of her hand, gaining a scowl from Hana ." You're so whipped Kim I think I'm gonna throw up," she made fake gagging noises

"I mean we are married My Wife is hot so why not  "

"Geez get a room already," Ruth shakes her head

Jennie smirks. "We have that and there are so many dirty little things we'll do after you leave. "

"Unnie stop, " Mina covered her ears

I can't help but laugh to find my wife teasing them with all the wild jaw-dropping scenarios she can convey to her friends.

After lounging in the bed with a book in my hands I stop my reading seeing Jennie step in she was talking with the group members about their performance. Making her way over to the bed with a soft frown on her lips she laid down beside me slowly, head coming to rest over my chest listening to my heartbeats.

I placed the bookmark between the pages and set the book on the nightstand table. Gingerly grazing my fingers through her hair she calmed  into comfort a sigh rose from her lips

"Is there something troubling you, Love? " I asked, pressing a kiss over the crown of her head. She didn't greet any verbal response by crawling closer, her arm wrapped around my waist huddling to move closer to the crook of my neck. "Hmm, someone is affectionate. " I chuckled caressing her hand

"I wish to run away with you. " she sighed

"Ran away sure wherever you want, " I answer drawing a chuckle from my wife it was true there were many times I wished to run away with her so we could do all the things that couples do in public without getting worried about being caught holding each other hands while walking on parks on a normal Sunday evening eating together outside where there won't be any of her obsessed fans to take her photos without her permissions but guess it's all just... Wishes.

Her eyes skimmed as she palmed my cheek. "I'll never let anyone take you away from me Fate, "

"No one is taking me anywhere Jennie, " Stroking her back I smile. "It'll always be Me & You for each other. "

And forever.

"You and Me, " Murmuring back she rested her head by this time I found Kaya entering our room. Seeing his owner cuddling with me he leaped onto the mattress and nuzzled closer to my arms both are the same clingy cute and Mine.

Maybe I can worry about the future later because right now my present stands where I stay with her in my arms.