
"Felt good to see the such spirit in these hard times," Mr Matthew said while smiling in a low tone.

Suddenly, Mr Matthew coughed breathlessly, I quickly gave him some water to moisten his dry throat. He refused to take it and coughed with a cloth on his mouth, when he looked at the cloth it was covered with blood.

"Are you okay sir?" I asked worriedly.

" I'm fine don't worry, I shall sleep now you should rest too you must be exhausted by now." Mr Matthew said kindly, while putting the cloth away.

"Are you sure you're okay sir?" I asked in a concerned way in my husky tone.

"Yes, I am" He replied positively.

I got up from the chair, and headed outside when suddenly I heard,

"Sorry for becoming a nuisance mate," he said in a lowered and ashamed tone.

"Not at all, that's what a mate would do," I said and reassured him with a smile.

By seeing this I was sure of one thing Mr Matthew can't be left on his own because of his serious health conditions. I would stay here until he is better. I went to John's old loft bedroom, creaking sounds were coming from the stairs when one would walked on them.

John's room was not what a usual seven-year-old would've dreamed of, the roof had a hole in it so big that one can see the moon from it, the walls were damaged also but little John tried to keep it as organised as he could, cracks on the wall was painted like tree branches by him, he tried to hide the holes in his rooms by his paintings, his bed was not comfortable it wasn't even a bed, it was just a mattress laid on the floor and a tiny painting was beside it.

The painting had his mom, dad, himself and a beautiful house everybody was really happy in the picture seemed this little guy's heart was still filled with hope that everything will be fine one day, I was amazed at how well-mannered and diligent he was despite in what conditions he was living. He slept peacefully having a storybook in his hand. I took that storybook carefully and put it on the side. I let him sleep peacefully and went downstairs.

I sat at their dining table and gazed at the house, their house may be old and damaged but it became enlightened by having little John's painting everywhere, children became the light of hope.

A few days passed at the Matthews, and day by day Mr Matthew was getting better and John became happier each day by seeing his father recovering. Now Matthews and I became more like a family, I felt I got a big brother again.

It was night-time, John said goodnight to his father and went up to his loft, I went outside closing the door of Mr Matthew's room so he could rest. When I came outside I heard something,

"Oh, Martha! I wish you were here its getting hard to get through each day living in this dark and lonely world, I get scared for John I'm afraid of how long he would survive this never-ending pain with me, I never wanted us to have this future, our John seems to be strong but you know when I see his eyes when he looks at an expensive toy placed on the display of the toy shop and wishes to have it but he never once asked me to buy it knowing the fact his dad couldn't afford it. I fall in my own eyes in front of my child, the pain of getting stabbed hundred times in my wounds is less than the pain of knowing how helpless I am that I can't even buy my child his favourite toy what kind of father I am to my son he doesn't deserve a father like me I didn't deserve both of you, I'm sorry Martha... I'm- ."

He said while his voice was breaking and he was crying. It filled my eyes by seeing the helplessness of this father, I know I am not able to help them a lot but I will try to do my best because there is one thing that everyone can afford and that is happiness.

The next morning after breakfast, I took John with me to the park so he could play and make some friends in his loneliness. John sat with me on the bench looking at the children playing, he didn't Wengo to play with those well-dressed kids. I asked him politely,

"Why are you not playing John?"

"I would like to sit here sir," He said while his face expressions were a bit concerned.

"Why is there a problem you don't want to share?" I asked him.

"No sir, playing will make me tired I would like to sit" He replied.

by knowing him for a long time, I know that John is just saying this to hide his fear of being rejected, neglected or being the odd one out.

He wanted to play but hesitated, suddenly then a sweet child came to him and said,

"We need one player more for our game, would you like to join ?"

he looked at me and then said,

"You want me to play?"

"Yes please" The boy said.

He rushed to the ground and start running here and there playing and enjoying this time of his life living this moment freely, for the first time I saw John

like this, here is where the standards that the adults have set for this world just disappeared children don't think about the status, colour, race or clothes of a child they just see their pure and innocent heart and play with them like they know each other since forever, they make them their friends quickly and soon become best friends. I guess Happiness is something everyone can afford to give.